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61 results found

Empty Homes Allocations

Bringing empty homes back into use is a priority for the Coalition Government. £70m of this funding has been assigned to the HCA to deliver a programme to bring empty properties back in to use as...

Empty Homes

Data showing the amount of empty homes being brought back into use

Empty homes

This data on empty homes is presented in two sections: our original data is provided for the whole of England, collated from local authority returns to the Department of Communities and Local...

Location of empty homes

Data showing postcodes and locations of empty homes

NNDR Empty Relief

NNDR Empty Relief

NNDR Empty Exemption

NNDR Empty Exemption

Empty Residential Properties Northumberland

Empty Residential Properties within Northumberland by Electoral Division. The dataset includes length of time empty, Council Tax Band, Percentage of empty against total residential properties.

Empty Commercial Properties Northumberland

Empty Commercial Properties within Northumberland by Electoral Division. The dataset includes length of time empty, Rateable Value, Exemption Type, Percentage of empty against total commercial...

Location of empty homes in Plymouth

This Data shows the postcodes and geographic location data of Empty Homes across Plymouth for the year 2017. Source: Plymouth City Council

London Empty Homes Audit

This data relates to private sector empty homes in London that have been vacant for 12 months or more at 31 October 2010. This data was collected by the GLA from all London Boroughs. In addition...

Long-term empty homes

Data showing the number of long-term empty homes thathave been empty more than 6 months

Wycombe business rates empty properties

List of empty properties receiving business rate relief.

Chelmsford Business Rates Empty Properties

Business rates: A snapshot of current empty properties

City wide empty properties trends

This dataset shows monthly trends for: * The total number of empty properties (regardless of tenure or how long empty) * Long term (6 months plus) empty private sector properties and * Long...

Empty homes brought back into use

Data showing the number of empty homes brought back into use in Plymouth (2006 to 2015)

Business Rates Register & Empty Commercial Properties

A dataset containing all addresses liable for Business Rates. Includes a description of the property and advises of any reliefs awarded. UPRN details are not included due to licensing concerns with...

Number of hereditaments benefiting from Small Business Rate Relief and the numbers of empty hereditaments

Number of hereditaments benefiting from Small Business Rate Relief and the numbers of empty hereditaments. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Experimental Official...

Bring empty private sector properties back into use

Bring empty private sector properties back into use *This indicator has been discontinued.

Private sector long term empty properties by ward

This dataset show long term empty properties (6 months+) in the private sector. Please note ----------- * Due to technical problems at the time, the data listed between May 2013 and July 2013...

Long term empty properties owned by Ltd companies

This data relates to long term empty properties (i.e. those that have been empty for more than 6 months). The information relates purely to empty property addresses that are within the private...