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        1,171 results found

        Employment Retention and Advancement

        The Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) scheme involved a study of different methods to help people stay in work and improve their career prospects including financial incentives known as...

        Bank Advances to Scottish Agriculture

        Summary statistics showing lending to Scottish agriculture. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Bank Advances to Scottish...

        ANR (Advanced Notification of Redundancy)

        Information gathering database for advanced notification of redundancy for companies with over 20 Employee's at the risk of redundancy at any one site.

        Allerdale Advance Payments Notice Land Charge

        Advance Payments Notices recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent

        Allerdale Advance Payment Exception Land Charge

        Advance Payment notice Exception recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

        24+ Advanced Learning Loans paid in England

        Presents statistics on 24+ Advanced Learning Loans taken out by Further Education learners. The learners are UK or EU domiciles studying at a Learning Provider in England. Source agency: Student...

        Teacher Applications for Advanced Skills Teacher Status

        The Department collects a small amount of information on the numbers of teachers' applying to become Advance Skills Teachers and the outcome of the process. The information collected covers the...

        Applications for Advanced Learning Loans in Further Education (FE)

        Advanced Learning Loans applications operational data. Contains data supplied by applicant in support of the application; and the assessment outcome.


        This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID: 49. It pulls together a range of measures including employment, housing affordability and availability...

        Employment Status Indicator

        The Employment Status Indicator (ESI) tool enables enagers to check the employment status of an individual or group of workers - that is, whether they are employed or self-employed for tax,...

        Employment Allocation

        Employment Allocation

        Employment Land

        Employment Land

        Employment Zones

        Employment Zones as designated in the Core Strategy

        Employment Allocations

        Employment Allocations taken from Stroud District Council Local Plan

        Employment Sites

        Employment Opportunity Sites that are being investigated for their future development potential.

        Employment Sites

        Employment Sites as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

        Employment tribunal statistics

        Employment tribunal performance statistics, including volumetrics Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

        Employment Designation

        This is a polygon dataset used to identify Employment Designation and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

        Priority Employment

        Data identifies opportunities to maximise government, business and community investment in order to help boost local employment and training opportunities.

        Employment Areas

        Employment Areas as part of the Local Plan (Policy ETC1) for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.