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        2,816 results found

        Reconstruction of North Sea trawling effort 1985-2015

        Spatial distribution of total international otter and beam trawling fishing effort, for all ICES rectangles (0.5 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude) of the North Sea, covering a 31-year time...

        Reconstruction of North Sea trawling effort 1985-2015

        Spatial distribution of total international otter and beam trawling fishing effort, for all ICES rectangles (0.5 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude) of the North Sea, covering a 31-year time...

        North Sea Historical Effort by Rectangle by Month: 1913 -1980

        This dataset includes long-term, spatially detailed information on UK trawl and seine fishing effort in the North Sea, by month and ICES rectangle. The period covered is 1927,1937, 1947, 1957,...

        North Sea Historical Effort by Rectangle by Month: 1913 -1980

        This dataset includes long-term, spatially detailed information on UK trawl and seine fishing effort in the North Sea, by month and ICES rectangle. The period covered is 1927,1937, 1947, 1957,...

        North Sea Historical Effort by Rectangle by Year: 1913 -1980

        This dataset includes long-term, spatially detailed information on UK trawl and seine fishing effort in the North Sea, by year and ICES rectangle. The period covered is 1923–1980 excluding the...

        North Sea Historical Effort by Rectangle by Year: 1913 -1980

        This dataset includes long-term, spatially detailed information on UK trawl and seine fishing effort in the North Sea, by year and ICES rectangle. The period covered is 1923–1980 excluding the...

        Fishing Effort data for the South West Marine Management Organisation plan area 2013

        Commercial fisheries effort in hours per year in 2013 extracted for the SW MMO Marine Plan Area and aggregated to 0.05x0.05 grid.

        Election Results

        Election results for Colchester borough

        Election Results

        Elections results data including name, party, number of votes, elected papers issued and papers rejected. Also see: * [Election of Local Councillors - summary by...

        Creel Fishing Effort Study - Average Number of Crab/Lobster Hauls Per Day and Average Number of Nephrop Hauls Per Day

        Measuring fishing effort is important for assessing the environmental sustainability of fish stocks and the socioeconomic efficiency of fishing activity. Fishing effort describes the amount of...

        Election Results

        This dataset shows results of elections for County Councillors in Lincolnshire County Council elections. The details shown include voting results and turnout for each Electoral Division. Please...

        EU Referendum Results

        On June 23rd 2016, residents of the United Kingdom were asked whether the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or leave. This dataset contains the full results of this...

        Laboratory results database

        Test results on trade equipment

        Election results 2014

        Election results for Harroagte Borough Council 2014

        DFID Results Framework

        Results of development interventions captured at country level, 2011/12 to 2014/15.

        District election results

        Results for elections to elect members of Wycombe District Council. Elections for all seats take place every four years. There are currently 60 seats across 28 wards. Wards are the subdivisions of...

        GLA Poll Results

        The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. The results from these polls appear on this page. December 2017 – Rail services Link to PDF of topline (PDF) November 2017 – Workplace...

        Indicative NPF results 2009

        First of a three-year baseline. Indicative results of HMIE pre-school, school and child protection inspections. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated...

        PRODCOM Intermediate Results

        Revised estimates of UK Manufacturing Sales by Product (PRODCOM). Estimates of product sales value and volume, linked with international trade statistics. Source agency: Office for National...

        PRODCOM Provisional Results

        First estimates of UK Manufacturing Sales by Product (PRODCOM). Estimates of product sales value and volume, linked with international trade statistics. Source agency: Office for National...