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        2,110 results found

        Land cover maps of Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina, 1986-2018

        [This dataset is embargoed until November 10, 2025]. The data resource consists of a series of land cover maps built using raster and shapefiles to evaluate the expansion of the invasive Ligustrum...

        Covid-19 - Daily positive tests in Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland

        Daily Coronavirus (Covid-19) positive tests in Leicester City Council and surrounding districts.Data for the most recent 4-5 days is likely to be incomplete.The data is updated daily.

        Tree Trails - Humberstone Park

        The Humberstone Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 22 trees are all marked...

        Tree Trails - Western Park

        The Western Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 21 trees are all marked with...

        Tree Trails - Castle Hill Country Park

        The Castle Hill Country Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 17 trees are all...

        Built Up Areas (December 2022) Boundaries GB BGG

        This file contains the digital vector boundaries for built up areas in Great Britain as at December 2022. The built up area boundaries are generalised and created using an automated approach based...

        Rock Physics and Seismic Amplitude Calibration Study

        In support of the 32nd Licence Round, the NSTA is releasing a rock physics study which has been conducted by Ikon Science. The study covers two parts of the UKCS – the Central North Sea (CNS) and...

        Census 2021 - MSOA populations by single year of age

        The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

        Census Merged Local Authority Districts (April 2023) Names and Codes in EN

        This file contains the names and codes for Census merged local authority districts in England as at April 2023 (File size 16KBField Names - CMLAD23CD, CMLAD23NMField Types - Text, TextField Lengths...

        National Statistics Postcode Lookup - 2011 Census (February 2023) for the UK (V2)

        This file contains the National Statistics Postcode Lookup (NSPL) for the United Kingdom as at February 2023 in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) and ASCII text (TXT) formats. To download...

        AFTA UKCS Regional Reports

        In collaboration with Geotrack International, the NSTA is releasing the full catalogue of AFTA regional reports produced by Geotrack for the UKCS. This regional library represents a valuable...

        Transparency Code - Trade Union Facility Time 2021/22

        Staff and their time spent on trade union dutiesThis data is published annually.

        Built-up Areas (April 2024) Names and Codes in EW

        A names and codes file for built-up areas in England and Wales as at 17th April 2024. (File Size 191 KB).Field Names - BUA24CD, BUA24NM, BUA24NMWField Types - Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 9, 54, 33

        Domestic consumption monitor - monthly meter readings

        Monthly meter readings expressed as mean litres/day. These readings are of customers paying their bill by rateable value. Customers have been selected to be representative of the Yorkshire Water...

        Code History Database (July 2024) for the UK

        This zip file contains the Code History Database for the United Kingdom as at July 2024.  (File size: 50.5 MB)To download the zip file click the Download button.Updates in England to: ...

        Local Planning Authorities (April 2022) Boundaries UK BFC

        This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Local Planning Authorities in United Kingdom, as at April 2022.The boundaries available are: (BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the coastline...

        1998 - 2006 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Benthic Sampling From Aggregate Extraction Environmental Assessment Reference Stations - Isle of Wight and Eastern English Channel 1998-2006

        Benthic sampling data from ... ... ... ... ...

        UKCS Structural and Tectonic Elements Database

        This structural and tectonics database has been purchased from Getech by the NSTA for publication. It is based on mapping using gravity and magnetic datasets, remote sensing data, geology maps,...

        Claimant Count Comparators

        This dataset uses Claimant Count to monitor unemployment in Leicester and Upper-Tier-Local-Authority (UTLA) comparators as defined by the ONS as well as UTLAs in the East Midlands, and England core...

        Parishes and Non Civil Parished Areas (December 2022) Boundaries EW BSC (V3)

        This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Parishes and Non Civil Parished Areas in England and Wales as at December 2022.The boundaries available are: (BSC) Super Generalised (200m)...