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323 results found

Locally Distinctive Area

Area within a settlement that is locally distinctive by way of its layout built form or general appearance.

Tobacco Strategy Performance Pack (TSDG) Performance Pack

Tobacco Strategy Performance Pack reports. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2007/08, 2009/10, 2008/09

We are Calderdale 2019: Distinctiveness

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2020: Distinctiveness

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

Pack Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...

Pack Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...

Corporate Scorecard Pack

Our corporate scorecard shows a high level overview of our performance against our environmental and business aims. The scorecard is reported every 3 months to executive directors, the board,...

Defra Human Resources Core MI Data Pack Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

We are Calderdale 2019: Enterprising and Talented

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2019: Kindness and Resilience

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2020: Enterprising and Talented

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2020: Kindness and Resilience

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

Marine Management Organisation East Plan modification pack consultation responses

This data is a record of the comments made in consultation with stakeholders on the East Marine Plan document and the action taken by the Marine Management Organisation.


Polygon feature representing an area of the Earth's surface with a distinct physical morphology, such as cliffs, artificial slopes, and burial mounds.

UKGEOS Glasgow GGB05 borehole information pack

The borehole information pack from borehole GGB05, site 05 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This release from the British Geological Survey (BGS) contains BGS and...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGB04 borehole information pack

The borehole information pack from borehole GGB04, site 05 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This release from the British Geological Survey (BGS) contains BGS and...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGA09r borehole information pack

The borehole information pack from borehole GGA09r, site 03 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This release from the British Geological Survey (BGS) contains BGS and...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGA08 borehole information pack

The borehole information pack from borehole GGA08, site 03 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This release from the British Geological Survey (BGS) contains BGS and...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGA07 borehole information pack

The borehole information pack from borehole GGA07, site 03 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This release from the British Geological Survey (BGS) contains BGS and...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGA06r borehole information pack

The borehole information pack from borehole GGA06r, site 02 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This release from the British Geological Survey (BGS) contains BGS and...