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Locally Distinctive Area

Area within a settlement that is locally distinctive by way of its layout built form or general appearance.

Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)

Odds of current smoking (self-reported) among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)

We are Calderdale 2020: Distinctiveness

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2019: Distinctiveness

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Providers (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from those...

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from...

Roadside survey of vehicle registration marks

Roadside survey of vehicle registration marks. Dataset consists of photographs of cars on the UK road network, and auto-captured number plate data, for purposes of estimating rate of Vehicle Excise...

Local Landscape Areas - Fife

Dataset provides details of areas where the scenery is highly valued locally and designated to ensure that the landscape is not damaged by inappropriate development. The designations raise...

Daventry District Localities

Map showing distinct localities within the Administrative area of Daventry District

We are Calderdale 2020: Enterprising and Talented

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2019: Kindness and Resilience

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2020: Kindness and Resilience

[We are Calderdale 2020]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

We are Calderdale 2019: Enterprising and Talented

[We are Calderdale 2019]( is an assembly of public, private, community and voluntary sector partners within Calderdale. To support the event,...

ENPA BAP Upland Heath

Upland heathland is defined as vegetation dominated by dwarf shrubs such as heather, bell heather, whortleberry and gorses which is generally found above the 300 metre contour. The mixture of...


Polygon feature representing an area of the Earth's surface with a distinct physical morphology, such as cliffs, artificial slopes, and burial mounds.

SDNPA - Landscape Character Assessment

The SDNPA Landscape Character Assessment was originally prepared for the South Downs Joint Committee, in partnership with the Countryside Agency, English Heritage, Hampshire County Council, West...

Landscape Map of Scotland

The map reflects the great diversity of landscapes within the country, and the regional distinctiveness which that creates. Together with the accompanying descriptions and photographs, the areas...

Rural Landscape Character Areas

The map shows the landscape character areas for the rural parts of Bath and North East Somerset whereby the landscape is divided into parcels of land with common characteristics. These 18 distinct...

Local Landscape Characters

This identifies the character, distinctiveness and qualities of the Borough’s open countryside to enable Bolton Council to find ways of protecting and enhancing the quality of the whole countryside...

Monsoon-triggered landslide point data for central-eastern Nepal (NERC grant NE/L002582/1)

This file contains the point data and areas (in m) of 12,838 monsoon-triggered landslides that occurred during distinct monsoon seasons between 1988 and 2018 across a 45,000 km2 region of...