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116 results found

Abeyance and Dispersal GPs

Abeyance and Dispersal GP Codes Contains: Usually, when a GP retires or leaves a practice, a successor is appointed prior to the departure of the outgoing GP. In such cases, if the GP in...

Surface wave dispersion measurements for the Pacific, 2023 - 2024

Synthetic and real dispersion measurements for paths across the Pacific, consists of 2 datasets; SS3DPacific_new - This is a data set of surface-wave dispersion measurements. The dispersion is...

At sea densities of razorbill in the post breeding dispersal season

Krigged density surfaces for razorbill, in the post breeding dispersal season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Impacts of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on seed dispersal services in Iberian Peninsula

This data set describes the seed dispersal process of both invaded (presence of Linepithema humile) and non-invaded (absence of L. humile) ant communities. Data were collected from four field sites...

Area Management - Standing approvals for use of chemical dispersants in response to oil spills

Areas where standing approvals permit the application of a limited quantity of chemical dispersants, without the permission of Marine Scotland, to respond to an oil spill. Two areas exist at the...

Impacts of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on seed dispersal services in Jonkershoek, Cape Floristic Region South Africa

This dataset describes the seed dispersal process of both invaded (presence of Linepithema humile) and non-invaded (absence of L. humile) ant communities. Data were collected from Jonkershoek...

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC):in-situ airborne atmospheric measurements and NAME dispersion footprints model output

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC) is an active NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/K01305X/1). This dataset collection contains NAME dispersion footprints model...

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC):in-situ airborne atmospheric measurements and NAME dispersion footprints model output

Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds (MAC) is an active NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) funded project (NE/K01305X/1). This dataset collection contains NAME dispersion footprints model...

At sea densities of guillemot in the post breeding dispersal season

Krigged density surfaces for guillemot, in the post-breeding moult season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Protected Wreck Sites GIS Data

GIS spatial data for Protected Wreck Sites, part of the National Heritage List for England. Protected Wreck Sites are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the protected area. The...

2005-2006 Harries et al. Isle of Cumbrae Sargassum muticum records

The invasive alga Sargassum muticum has recently been reported in the Firth of Lorn, west coast of Scotland. This represents the first sighting of the species north of the Kintyre Peninsula, a land...

2005-2006 Harries et al. Isle of Cumbrae Sargassum muticum records

The invasive alga Sargassum muticum has recently been reported in the Firth of Lorn, west coast of Scotland. This represents the first sighting of the species north of the Kintyre Peninsula, a land...

Eco Corridor - Aspirational Links

Corridors which improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce

Design Plan Units

A Spatial dataset. This dispersed dataset shows information on forest plan coverage, approval and expiry on the Public Forest Estate.

Ipswich Borough Council - Existing Playing Field

Existing playing fields which act as stepping stones to improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce.

Pay Multiple and Pay Policy Statement

Rochdale Borough Council produces an annual Pay Policy Statement under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 which includes the policy on pay dispersion.

Fluid dynamics computer models

Fluid Dynamics and Indoor Dispersion Team have the data sets generated from fluid dynamics computer models (e.g. underground train, underground station, buildings, rooms). They are sometimes called...

Evaluation of national scale, long-distance connectivity (and its protection) in England’s priority habitat inventory - 2015 dataset

The results of an analysis of the connectivity of sixteen priority habitat networks in England using the Condatis methodology. The dataset includes conductance scores for each of the priority...

Pay Multiple

This dataset contains a breakdown of pay dispersal within Blaby District Council for each financial year. The information is taken from our annual Pay Policy Statement and compares the highest...

Meteorology data

A meteorology site was established on the roof of the CREATE CENTRE in June 2005. The purpose of this site is to collect data for use in dispersion modelling and water resource management studies....