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95 results found

Allerdale SHLAA Discarded Sites

Allerdale's Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment for Sites which have been discarded for future policy . Part of the evidence base identified under the Local Democracy Framework. Sites...

North East Coast Discards Survivabilty 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The objective of this study was to assess whether various species of fish survive being caught and then being discarded during normal commercial fishing practices. This was a scoping study to...

Skate and ray discard survey 2007/08 - Fisheries Science Partnership survey

To ascertain the likely survival rate of skates and rays discarded as a consequence of the proposed introduction of a maximum landing length, and also to develop on-board species identification...

Survival of discarded catch in the Wash Brown Shrimp Fishery 2017/18 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The objectives of this project were to: • Use captive observations of *Crangon crangon* to assess the survival of discarded Crangon in the Wash Brown Shrimp Fishery in vessels using different...

Recovery and re-use of glass cullet: 1984 - 2007

Recovery and re-use of glass cullet: 1984 - 2007

Spurdog, porbeagle and common skate by-catch and discard reduction 2011/12- Fisheries Science Partnership

To collect field data on the numbers of elasmobranchs of conservation interest (porbeagle, common skate and spurdog) taken as by-catch in offshore gillnet fisheries and their survivability (i.e....

Halogen contents of basalt glasses from Iceland and the Reykjanes Ridge (NERC Grant NE/P002331/1)

Halogen (Cl, Br, I) contents measured in (a) basalt glass chips collected from subglacial eruptions in Iceland's neovolcanic zones, and (b) basalt glass chips recovered from the Reykjanes Ridge.

Campanian Ignimbrite glass (melt) chemistry (NERC Grant NE/S003584/1)

Major element glass chemistry of deposits of the Campanian Ignimbrite from proximal and distal units across Campania and central Italy. Details of the samples that this data relates to can be found...

Area VII Haddock Discard Eliminations using Technical Measures 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

Following experimental work carried out in 2013, a twin-rig trawler, the Ilfracombe-based *Our Olivia Belle *(BD 277), was chartered to undertake further trials of a modified demersal trawl in...

Analyses of volcanic glasses from oceanic islands and mid-ocean ridges (NERC Grant NE/P017045/1)

Analyses of volcanic glasses from a range of oceanic islands (Samoa, Cook-Australs, Iceland) and mid-ocean ridges (Reykjanes Ridge). Each glass sample was analysed for the concentrations of >60...

Compilation of Mineral and Glass Compositions erupted at Villarrica volcano, Chile (NERC Grant NE/S007458/1)

A compilation of mineral and glass compositions erupted at Villarrica volcano, Chile, measured by electron microprobe. Data are sourced from published articles, theses and unpublished works....

2007 - 2007 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Reducing discards: Square-mesh codends in combination with square-mesh release panels 2007/08 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The main objective of this FSP project was to demonstrate that square-mesh codends in combination with multiple square-mesh panels can effectively reduce discards in he SW beam trawl fisheries

Survival of discarded Plaice in the English NE Nephrops Trawl Fishery 2015/16 - Fisheries Science Partnership survey

The primary objective of this project was to estimate the survival rate of discarded plaice caught in the NE *Nephrops* trawl fishery. All tows took place in the North Sea at the southern edge...

Glass geochemical data of Late Quaternary tephra from Main Ethiopian Rift (NERC grant NE/L013533/1)

Glass major element geochemical data on Late Quaternary tephra deposits from the Main Ethiopian Rift volcanoes. These data were acquired using Electron Microprobe Analysis, and secondary standard...

Trace element and Vanadium isotope compositions of basalt glass samples from the Reykjanes Ridge (NERC Grant NE/N009886/1)

The data forms the basis of the paper Novella et al (2020 ( and full interpretation can be found there. Basalt glass chips were supplied by Bramley Murton...

Glass chemistry of eruption deposits from volcanoes around Mexico City (NERC Grant NE/S009035/1)

Electron microprobe glass chemistry data from explosive eruption deposits from Popocatépetl, Iztaccíhuatl and Tláloc-Telapón volcanoes in Central México, spanning the last 700 ka. Associated with...

Melt inclusion, host mineral, and glass compositions from the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland (NERC grant NE/M021130/1)

Geochemical analyses of melt inclusions, host minerals, and glasses from the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland. Published in: Hartley ME, Bali E, Neave DA, Maclennan J, Halldorsson SA (2018) Melt...

Major and trace element data for glasses and melt inclusions from Midfell, Snaefellsjokull and Oraefajokull, Iceland (NERC Grant NE/P002331/1)

Major and trace element data for olivine- and plagioclase-hosted silicate melt inclusions, their host minerals, and associated matrix glasses, from Midfell, Snaefellsjokull and Oraefajokull,...

Bulk rock, glass, melt inclusion and host phenocryst geochemical compositions for materials from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka, RussiaTolbachik geochemistry (NERC Grant NE/M000303/1)

This dataset contains bulk rock, glass, melt inclusion and host phenocryst geochemical compositions for materials from Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka, Russia, together with supporting...

Survival of discarded sole in inshore trawl fishery 2016/17 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The objective of this project was to assess and estimate the survivability of sole caught in the Solent (ICES Subarea VIId) inshore otter trawl fishery. This project follows a previous study of...