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3,854 results found

Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013: impact assessment

Analyses of both time-series (e.g. Labour Force Survey) and regular (e.g. Work-life Balance Employee and Employer surveys) datasets. Supports the impact assessment for draft regulations that extend...

Cumulative Impact Area

Under the Licensing Act 2003, cumulative impact is the potential impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives of a significant number of licensed premises concentrated in one area, which...

Cumulative Impact Areas

Cumulative impact is defined as 'the potential impact on the promotion of the licensing objectives of a significant number of licensed premises concentrated in one area'.A number of areas have...

Passport impact indicators

Impact indicators on passport applications that were processed within target by Her Majesty's Passport Office.

Impact Readiness Fund

This was a new £1.5 million pilot fund managed by the Social Investment Business for the Cabinet Office that offered grants and support to social ventures to understand and improve their social...

Impact of invasive species

Impact of invasive species

The mean and median carriageway impact duration times and number of incidents by impact duration on all motorways

The Highways Agency Command and Control database is an incident management system which captures details such as the duration of a carriageway impact. A Carriageway Impact results from any...

Article 4 Directions

Article 4 Directions restrict permitted development rights for a specified geographical area. There are currently two Article 4 Directions for B&NES area. See also Article 4 Directions HMOs

Consultation on modern workplaces: impact assessments

Underlying data from the impact assessments underlying the consultation on modern workplaces [URN 11/699] Underlying data from the impact assessments: Underlying data from the publication Working...


article_4_directions Article_4_Directions.shp is a polygon dataset with attribution indicating geographic location of Article 4 directions within the Tendring area. Upon accessing this Licensed...

SSSI Impact Risk Zones (England)

The Impact Risk Zones (IRZs) are a GIS tool developed by Natural England to make an initial assessment of the likely risk of impacts on SSSIs posed by developments. The IRZs tool comprises a series...

Privacy Impact Assessment central register

Privacy Impact Assessment central register

Article 4 Directions

This dataset comprises polygon data used to record areas within Bristol subject to Article 4 Directions.National legislation allows for Directions under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning...

Clients receiving self directed support and/or direct payments

Tables showing number of clients receiving self directed support and/or direct payments during the year, by age group. Data is from historic statutory returns. Figures are rounded to nearest 5.

Privacy Impact Assessments Register

This dataset is an abridged version of the Information Management and Security Team Privacy Impact Assessments log. The log is used to record, track and report on the Privacy Impact Assessments...

Article 4 Direction

The Article 4 Direction data has been created to show the extent of the locations of Article 4 Directions in the Walsall Borough. The data has been derived from the Ordnance Survey MasterMap Dataset.

Article 4 Directions

An article 4 direction is a direction under article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order which enables the Secretary of State or the local planning authority to withdraw specified permitted...

Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction serves to restrict permitted development rights, either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of development anywhere in the Council's area. Where an...

Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction serves to restrict permitted development rights, either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of development anywhere in the Council's area. Where an...

Socio-economic impact of COVID-19

* This briefing presents evidence on the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on London and Londoners​ * Topics included in the briefing focus on recent data releases published in the preceding...