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        78 results found

        Public Weighbridges

        A list of all public weighbridges in Warwickshire, including address, telephone, capacity, approximate dimensions, opening times and fees

        Belfast Trees

        This data set contains information about the trees located on Belfast streets. This includes the location, species, age and dimensions

        Financial information

        Held on Access Dimensions and Asset Manager, with FocalPoint as the ‘front-end’ self-service end of the database

        Printer usage

        Printer usage by department, device, user, document information and other dimensions, from printer management software. Covers UK offices only, from 2012.

        Police report card data

        Provides HMIC’s assessment of forces in four dimensions – local crime and policing; tackling the major threats, such as terrorism and murder; cost and value; and public confidence and...

        Focus on Health

        Describes the health of people living in the UK across key dimensions: health status, risk factors, ill-health, preventive, curative and long-term care services and mortality. Source agency:...

        Macroeconomic scenarios for London's economy post COVID-19

        The main aim of this work is to develop a set of high level macro economic scenarios for the medium-term (to the end of 2022) and for the long-term (to 2030) in order to inform the development of...

        2014 Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) Scotland Crassostrea gigas records

        A quadrat survey of Crassostrea gigas in Scotland conducted by the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) for the Scottish Association for Marine Sciencew (SAMS). The purpose of this survey...

        2014 Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) Scotland Crassostrea gigas records

        A quadrat survey of Crassostrea gigas in Scotland conducted by the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) for the Scottish Association for Marine Sciencew (SAMS). The purpose of this survey...

        Carriageway Details

        This information contains length, width and surface type of roads in Northern Ireland. Easting and Northing co-ordinates are provided at each change in road dimensions. For further information on...

        Physical and ecological characteristics of peatland gully blocks on Kinder Scout, Peak District, UK, 2021

        This dataset contains the location, dimension, and ecological characteristics of 492 gully blocks on Kinder Scout, an upland peatland in the UK. Stone and timber dams were installed in 2013-2014 as...

        BIRPS (BIRPS) Geophysical Survey OCEAN: BIRPS Deep profile; Cape Verde (24/Sep/1991 to 30/Sep/1991)

        This BIRPS deep profile survey took place in September 1991 off Cape Verde aboard the Bin Hai. The layout of the profiles consisted of two lines parallel to the spreading axis and nine lines...

        Selected household characteristics (2001 Census)

        A multiple deprivation measure from the 2001 census: all households and whether they are deprived on any of four dimensions or household characteristics. Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

        Annex I submarine structures made by leaking gases in the UK (Open Data) (2018) – v3.2

        Map showing potential and high confidence mapped extents of Annex I habitat ‘submarine structures making by leaking gases’ within the boundaries of the UK continental shelf. ‘Submarine...

        Water, carbon and energy fluxes simulation for Great Britain using the JULES Land Surface Model and the Climate Hydrology and Ecology research Support System meteorology dataset (1961-2015) [CHESS-land]

        The dataset contains daily and monthly surface water, energy and carbon fluxes, and state variables for Great Britain over the period between 1961 and 2015. The data was obtained from a 55 years...


        Ordnance Survey's addressing product, AddressBase® matches 29 million Royal Mail postal address to unique property reference numbers (UPRN), bringing a geographical dimension to the matched...

        OS Mastermap Highways Network - Roads

        OS MasterMap® Highways Network is the most complete, detailed and accurate navigable road network dataset for Great Britain. It records the dimensions and accessibility of roads. For all highways...

        Radiocarbon measurements on river wood deposits collected in August 2019, Mackenzie River, Canada

        The data comprises of dimensions of large wood pieces and the isotope composition (radiocarbon, stable carbon isotopes) of cellulose extracted from the wood samples. Large Wood (LW) samples were...

        Research & Development spatial data tool

        BEIS and Nesta have co-developed a research and development (R&D) spatial data tool to allow users to access, visualise and compare indicators that show the scale of R&D systems at a...

        3D viscosity model inferred from GLAD-M25

        A model of mantle viscosity inferred from the seismic model GLAD-M25 using a method described within Lloyd et al. (2024). Model stored in NETCDF4 format with the following dimensions: depth(201),...