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Meta-data for datasets

A dataset of all the meta-data for all of the datasets available through the service. This is provided as a zipped CSV or JSON file. It is published nightly. Updates: 27 Sep 2017:...

Landscape Description Units

Landscape Description Unit (LDU). A Landscape Description Unit is a representation of a Landscape Type in a specific location. These are the basic building blocks of the landscape and are defined...

Reproductive output and adult lifespan of 308 invertebrate species subjected to temperature variations, from a meta-analysis of published literature

[This dataset is embargoed until December 31, 2024]. This dataset contains extracted data from studies reporting the effect of temperature on animal reproduction and adult lifespan. To identify...

Nottingham's Caves Report - Descriptive Register With Detailed Indexes.

Descriptive register with detailed indexes of the Nottingham man-made caves. Data mainly captured 1989, infrequent additions (approximately 1 per year) since then

Soil Series brief profile description

Profile information for brief soil series definitions defined in the Soils and their Use in England and Wales Regional Bulletins

Soil Series brief profile description - horizon details

Horizon information for brief soil series definitions defined in the Soils and their Use in England and Wales Regional Bulletins

Northern Ireland Annual Descriptive House Price Statistics (LGD Level)

Annual descriptive price statistics for each calendar year 2005 – 2023 for 11 Local Government Districts in Northern Ireland. The statistics include: • Minimum sale price • Lower quartile...

Northern Ireland Annual Descriptive House Price Statistics (Electoral Ward Level)

Annual descriptive price statistics for each calendar year 2005 – 2023 for 462 electoral wards within 11 Local Government Districts. The statistics include: • Minimum sale price • Lower...

Zostera descriptions North Norfolk Coast - Cley, James McCallum 1997

Survey of the inter-tidal areas between Burnham Overy and Cley West Bank specifically mapping the distribution of Eelgrass, Zostera, species. Survey was conducted to locate the eelgrass for future...

IODP exp 366 sample description, bulk rock and in situ geochemical analyses (NERC grant NE/P020860/1)

The data include:- sample description file: sample full names, site, hole, depth etc., a quick petrographic description of the sample and the embedding serpentinite mud, and information regarding...

Crick Framework: a systematic description of the potential for the use of Earth Observation in habitat mapping

The Crick Framework provides a way to categorise how well Earth Observation (EO) techniques can be used to identify particular habitats and features on the ground and detailed information on what...

Description of peatland sites included in the compilation of carbon accumulation rates (NERC grant NE/I012915/1)

Description of peatland sites included in the compilation of carbon accumulation rates, including resolution (high, low), interpolation (yes/no), contributor name, country, lon, lat, peatland type,...

Site description and location of direct measured trees in the Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar

Data comprise location (zone of interest, village name, site code, longitude, latitude, altitude and slope), local tree species name, tree code and tree diameter class of trees selected for direct...

Soil profile descriptions from narrow diameter cores in UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021

The dataset details the soil profiles described from the narrow diameter cores collected from 474 sampling sites across UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 - 2021. The work was carried out under...

Soil profile descriptions, biomass data and vegetation species from a joint sampling event at Sourhope, Scotland, 2000 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

This dataset includes: biomass data for roots, shoots and litter in soil core samples, vegetation species abundance data for sampled soil blocks, and soil profile descriptions (horizon types &...

Granular Flow Experiments: Methodology description, High-Speed Imaging footage and Analysis of Velocity and Granular Temperature Profiles

This dataset contains high-speed video recordings and particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis results from granular flow experiments performed on an inclined flume with a fixed rough substrate,...

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.

Inventories for the Alkaline Fen and Transition Mire and Quaking Bog Annex 1 habitats in England

This is a new stand-alone inventory that incorporates all vegetation types that fit within the EC Habitats Directive Annex 1 habitats ‘Alkaline Fens' (AF) and 'Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs'...

Listing of publishable central government tender documentation for tenders over £10,000

The Contracts Finder site contains the listing of publishable central government tender and contract information and documentation. This applies for all procurement over £10,000. The published...