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        272 results found

        Operational Deployability Record

        Database showing qualifications and courses held by personnel deploying to Operational Theatres and MATT test results.

        Solar photovoltaics deployment

        Monthly deployment of solar photovoltaics by capacity and accreditation in the United Kingdom. Accredited Official Statistics

        Heat pump deployment

        These heat pump deployment official statistics provide information to monitor the number of hydronic heat pumps with a capacity up to 45kW installed in the United Kingdom.

        Operational Deployability Record ODR

        Captures a soldiers mission specific training history and his administrative and medical preparations prior to an operational deployment in order that commanders receive assurance on the levels of...

        Deployment Specific Forward Inventory Information System

        Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that advise how many of which piece parts are expected to be needed for specific deployments of Maritime units on Operations and Exercises.

        National College for Teaching and Leadership System Leader Deployment Data

        Records of where and when National Leaders of Education, Local Leaders of Education and National Leaders of Governance have been deployed

        Flexible Deployment Tool

        Timesheet allocation of hours on variety of projects. Competency Self-Assessments. Only name, position and time allocations & self-assessments held within.

        Seismic data from deployments around Askja, Iceland (NERC grant NE/H025006/1)

        This is continuous raw data from 3-component broad-band (30 sec to 100 Hz) Guralp 6TD seismometer deployments around Askja in the central region of Iceland.

        Continuous GPS data for stations deployed on Corbetti and Aluto Volcano, Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

        The RiftVolc GPS network was comprised of a total of 10 continuously recording stations deployed on Aluto and Corbetti Volcanoes between 2012 to present. At least 9 stations were recording data...

        Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the English Channel from 2005 to 2006

        This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the Southern North Sea on 25/03/2005 and was...

        Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the English Channel from 2005 to 2006

        This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the Southern North Sea on 25/03/2005 and was...

        Horizontal and vertical movement data derived from a data storage tag deployed on a single Atlantic cod in the North Sea from 2001 to 2002

        This data is derived from the deployment of a single data storage tag on an Atlantic cod (*Gadus morhua*) in the English Channel. The cod was tagged in the North Sea on 03/04/2001 and was...

        Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP) monthly deployment data

        The monthly statistics for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) programme present the number of applications and accredited installations on the scheme so far. The figures are broken down by...


        rsdeploy.exe is a command line tool to deploy SQL Server Reporting Services assets. It uses the [Report Server Web Service]( "External...

        Visiting Yacht Moorings - Orkney Islands

        Visiting Yacht Moorings (VYM) are deployed by Orkney Islands Council. They are seasonal and only deployed approximately May-October. Note: some VYMs may also be included in the Clyde Cruising Club...

        Shear-wave splitting Topography at Kilauea (STAK) (NERC grant NE/S009043/1)

        The data is from four three-component broadband seismometers deployed along the lower east rift zone during the 2018 Kilauea eruption for four months. The instruments were deployed towards the end...

        Habitat point records from 1993 FSCRC Fylde Coast Scheme sublittoral sediment survey

        Benthic survey via diver observation and diver deployed cores.

        Species point records from 1993 FSCRC Fylde Coast Scheme sublittoral sediment survey

        Benthic survey via diver observation and diver deployed cores.


        Deployable Civilian Experts (DCE) and Civil Service Stabilisation Cadre (CSSC) Management Database.

        Feed in Tariff commissioned installations statistics

        Cumulative count and installed capacity of all installations deployed via the Feed-in Tariff scheme. Statistics are shown for GB, broken down by technology, size band and data source. From 2018...