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        1,856 results found

        UKCS Licence Documents

        This app enables users to search for offshore, onshore, gas storage and CCS Licence documents, view the spatial extent of Licensed Areas, see important information about the Licence, and download...

        Business Continuity Documents

        FCO(S) - BCP Plans, Contact Details, Strategy Documents etc

        Conservation Areas Documentation

        Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Documentation including area character...

        Publication Scheme Documents

        All other documents released under our publication scheme - including board minutes, annual reports, contract opportunities etc.

        Document Management System ("Matrix")

        Electronic Document Storage solution for the Department, meeting obligations for Document and Freedom of Information (FOI) Management

        Camden Licensing Documents

        This dataset contains licensing documents; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

        Facilities information and documentation

        Facilities information and documentation per each office

        Hillsborough Disclosure document index

        This dataset provides an index of the documents relating to the Hillsborough tragedy as disclosed by the Hillsborough Independent Panel in conjunction with their Report into how the disclosed...

        Rail Technical tender documents

        Tender documents, in particular, those for research projects

        Camden Conservation Area Documents

        This dataset contains links to Camden Conservation area documents.

        Project and Programme Documentation

        FCO(S) - Various Project and Programme Documentation, Management Information and Customer Information

        CCO Anglia document 2021

        2021 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 1

        CCO Anglia document 2020

        2020 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 1

        CCO Anglia document 2017

        2017 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 3

        CCO Anglia document 2009

        2009 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 5

        CCO Anglia document 2022

        2022 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 3

        CCO Anglia document 2015

        2015 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 2

        CCO Anglia document 2008

        2008 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 5

        CCO Anglia document 2016

        2016 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 1

        CCO Anglia document 2010

        2010 Anglia document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 1