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        4,073 results found

        Creative Industries Economic Estimates

        Statistics on Gross Value Added (GVA), Employment and Exports within the creative industries. Source agency: Culture, Media and Sport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Creative Industries Economic Estimates for Northern Ireland: Experimental Statistics

        This annual series of publications provides statistics on key economic estimates for the Creative Industries in Northern Ireland Source agency: Culture, Arts and Leisure (Northern...

        Tate Archive - Creative Commons

        A portion of Tate archive works are being made available under Creative Commons licences as part of the Heritage Lottery funded project

        Creative People and Places Awards

        Creative people and places programme awards

        Tate Collection works - Creative Commons

        A substantial portion of the 70,000 Tate collection works are being made available under Creative Commons licences

        Creative Enterprise Zones (CEZ) data repository

        The data contained in this repository relates to London's Creative Enterprise Zones. It can be used to review job and business data for each CEZ, as well as several other creative areas across...

        Pupil Foundation Stage Profile: Creative development

        The proportion of foundation stage children (five year olds) achieving early learning goals in creative development Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher:...

        Advice notes on curating time-based media such as film, audio etc - Creative Commons

        Creative Commons licences are being applied to advice notes on curating time-based media, written in conjunction with the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

        Employment Designation

        This is a polygon dataset used to identify Employment Designation and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

        Special Designation Line

        Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

        Special Designation Area

        Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

        Special Designation Point

        Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

        Designated car parks

        Designated car parks are areas of land set aside for parking, within an established parking area. Designated car parks are for the exclusive use of tenants and leaseholders.

        Engineering Design Data

        Phase 1 and phase 2 engineering design information

        Urban Design Strategy

        Urban design strategy document for the Sunderland central area

        Eastbourne Contextual Designations

        Eastbourne Contextual Designations – shows designations that provide context to the Eastbourne Policies Map.Further information is available on our website...

        Natura 2000 designation type

        Designated type information for each Natura 2000 site (SAC and SPA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive. Special...

        Non-designated Heritage Assets

        Local planning authorities may identify non-designated heritage assets. These are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes identified as having a degree of significance meriting...

        Gardens and Designed Landscapes

        Gardens and designed landscapes are grounds which have been laid out for artistic effect and, in appropriate cases, include references to any buildings, land, or water on, adjacent, or contiguous...


        Boundaries of all designated neighbourhood areas (for the purposes of producing a neighbourhood plan) within Cheshire West and Chester.