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        204 results found

        Court Martial Results from the Military Court Centres

        In line with the Government’s Transparency and Open Data initiative, the Military Court Service has agreed to provide Court Martial results in respect of the Military Court Centres.

        Court locations

        List of all courts in England and Wales. Search tool that can be located by going to: This service is currently in Beta.

        Tennis Courts

        Location of Tennis Courts.

        Her Majesty's Courts Service Court User Survey

        The user survey measures the satisfaction of court users, both public and professional, across England and Wales. The report is accompanied by an annex containing tables of overall satisfaction by...

        Sunderland Tennis Courts

        List of Tennis courts in Sunderland. Information held on these consists of; number of courts, condition and status (e.g public, school etc).

        Royal Courts of Justice and Rolls building daily court lists

        Available as text at

        Magistrates' Court Bulletin

        This publication contains information on the criminal magistrates' courts in Northern Ireland in relation to adult and youth magistrates' courts, court sitting times, number and type of charges...

        Magistrates' Court Bulletin

        This publication contains information on the criminal magistrates' courts in Northern Ireland in relation to adult and youth magistrates' courts, court sitting times, number and type of charges...

        Court Martial Databases

        Record of all Army Court Martial cases since 01 January 1990 data for RN/RM and RAF Court Martial cases since 01 January 2008 for purpose of providing data to AG and CoC and responding to...

        Court listings

        Available at, some for free but not as data, for example Crown Court Daily lists

        Criminal Court Statistics

        This publication provides aggregated data on workload, effectiveness and timeliness in magistrates courts and the Crown Court. It is designed to provide a summary overview of the volume and types...

        Crown Court Bulletin

        This publication contains information on the Crown Court in Northern Ireland in relation to cases received and dealt with, defendants received and dealt with, waiting times, pleas and findings and...

        Crown Court Bulletin

        This publication contains information on the Crown Court in Northern Ireland in relation to cases received and dealt with, defendants received and dealt with, waiting times, pleas and findings and...

        Coal mining court orders

        In parts of the country, the High Court may have issued an order allowing a mine owner or mining operator to work coal where no previous mining lease was in existence. The Court may also have made...

        Types of court

        Available as text at

        Judicial and Court Statistics

        These annual reports relate to the criminal and civil business of the courts in England and Wales for whose administration the Ministry of Justice is responsible. They also cover the work of some...

        Court Funds Office Database

        The Court Funds Office (CFO) provides a banking and administration service for the Civil Courts throughout England and Wales and their database holds the account number, case name, year carried...

        Crown Court Defendants Dealt With

        Crown Court Defendants Dealt with including a breakdown by Processing Court Office, types of charges, plea and finding information.

        Judgement Debt Court Orders

        Archived details of court orders made against Service personnel

        Court Statistics Quarterly

        These quarterly reports relate to the criminal and civil business of the family, county, crown and magistrates' courts in England and Wales. Source agency: Justice Designation: National...