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        Police integrity and corruption inspection data

        This data was collected to support the HMIC report "Police integrity and corruption force reports" published on 27 November 2014.

        Corruption in the police service England and Wales: second report - based on the IPCC's experience 2008-2011

        Report into the IPCC's experience of corruption in the police service England and Wales

        Newcastle City Council fraud data

        The council seeks firstly to prevent fraud and corruption but will take all action necessary to identify fraud if suspected and to pursue the recovery of losses and the suitable punishment of those...

        ONS UPRN Directory (October 2023)

        This file contains the ONS UPRN Directory (ONSUD) for Great Britain as at October 2023. The ONSUD relates the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) for each GB address from AddressBase® Epoch 104...

        National Paediatric Diabetes Audit 2014-2015

        The excel file contains unit, regional and national level data obtained from the 2014-15 National Paediatric Diabetes Audit. Specifically, it includes information on patient characteristics,...

        Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in England

        This is the 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in accordance with the scale of their 'rural' and 'rural-related' population components, and their...

        Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in EN

        This is the 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies in accordance with the scale of their 'rural' and 'rural-related' population components, and their...

        Rural Urban Classification (2011) of Local Authority Districts in EN

        This is 2011 rural-urban classification (RUC) of Local Authority Districts. This part of the Rural Urban Classification is available only for England and complements another part of the...