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915 results found

DCMS Prompt Payment Monthly Statistics

All Standard Terms and Conditions of contracts for goods and services contain provision so that: - DCMS will pay a correctly submitted invoice within 30 days of receipt for contracted work that...


Tree preservation orders (TPO) correct as of 1st December 2014.

British Behaviour Abroad

Data showing the number of consular assistance cases in countries around the world between April 2012- March 2013.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Emergency Evaluation Database System (DEEDS)

To assist the decision-making process for assessments of the potential impact of local, regional and national emergencies.

CRB checks on people working and volunteering in schools

The number of applications for position stated as ‘Teacher’, ‘Headteacher’, ‘Classroom Assistant’, ‘Teaching Assistant’, or ‘Special Needs Co-ordinator whose certificate contained at least one...

The Executive Office Information Asset Register

The Information Management and Central Advisory Branch (IMCAB) assist TEO Divisions in the maintenance of their Information Asset Registers.

Public toilets

Data showing the map locations of all public toilets in Plymouth. Figures correct 2015.

HMRC Business Plan Indicator and Quarterly Data Summary

Business plan indicators are initial management information to provide an indication of HMRC's performance, and are therefore subject to revision and audit. Final performance figures will be made...

Human Relations - Employee Relations & Human Relations Direct

Commissioned Medical Reports; Health Insurance paperwork including claims forms; ill health retirement paperwork; Employee Assistance Programme; Access to work reports ; casework information


The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence. Green...

2019 Waste Data Interrogator

*SOME FILES HAVE BEEN UPDATED** Three resources are available on this record for 2019: - an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites - and excel data extract of waste removed from...

CCTV camera locations

This dataset incorporates CCTV cameras installed by London Borough of Barnet in conjunction with the DSSL Group for the purposes of Community Safety.   PLEASE NOTE: A dataset of the locations of...

Health & Safety Reports, Assessments etc

Anything to do with Health & Safety or well being issues within VOSA personal information for individuals when have assisted, risk assessed, conducted accident investigations on etc

Coronavirus Service Requests

A data set which shows the service requests that have been made by Leeds residents for assistance during the Covid-19 Pandemic to the Covid-19 helpline.

North Norfolk District Council Article 4 Direction

This dataset relates to areas of land where planning permission is required, which would normally not be required, to assist in the protection of other heritage assets

Ashfield District Council Green Space Sites

Extents of green spaces within Ashfield District as polygons. With typology, typology description and access (believed correct at time of publishing)

Plynlimon research catchments: digital terrain model

Hydrologically corrected digital terrain model (DTM) of Plynlimon catchments. The DTM was derived from digitised elevation data from scanned topographic maps.

Peatland ACTION Project Officer areas

Dataset showing the areas of the various PA project officers. Applicants and potential technical partners are encouraged to contact these offices if they require assistance or further information.

Number of DBS checks for teaching positions in North Lincolnshire over 5 yrs and PNC info revealed

Data shows the number of DBS checks issued for teaching positions (teacher, head teacher, teaching assistant) in North Lincolnshire in he last 5 years and PNC information revealed.

Gas Works

This layer includes gas works and gas holders. To assist in deciding whether there is any pollution risk to current or proposed uses from current of historic uses.