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        Consistent financial reporting

        Consistent financial reporting (CFR) is the framework by schools to collect the information on income and expenditure each year. The information held here is for all maintained schools and pupil...

        Consistent financial reporting - Leeds schools

        Dataset showing total expediture and income for schools using Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) framework.

        Producer Price Index

        A comprehensive selection of data on input and output index series. Contains producer price indices of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector. Source...

        Packaging Producer Public Register

        This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA363. Provides the 4 agencies registered producers. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2019. All...

        WEEE Producers Public Register England

        This record is for Approval for Access product AfA311. This dataset contains details of: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) producers who have registered with the Environment Agency...

        Rebasing the Producer Price Index and Services Producer Price Index onto 2010=100

        This article outlines plans to rebase both the Producer Price Index and the Services Producer Price Index onto 2010=100 at the end of 2013. Source agency: Office for National...

        Packaging Regulations - Producers - Registered Entities only

        Contact details of approximately 5250 Packaging producers who have registered with the Environment Agency under the Producer Responsibility Regulations for Packaging. Owing to data protection...

        Services Producer Price Indices

        The Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) are primarily a suite of individual price indices that provide information on price change for a limited range of service industries. Each SPPI captures...

        Services Producer Price Index

        The Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) are primarily a suite of individual price indices that provide information on price change for a limited range of service industries. Each SPPI captures...

        Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections

        Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England. Submitted 13 May 2019

        Battery Producers - Environment Agency Public Register

        These data contain details of Battery Producers who have registered with the Environment Agency (but not those who have registered with the Department for Business Innovation and Skills) under the...

        Release of School Level Expenditure data (Consistent Financial Reporting) 2009-10

        As part of the Department's aim to make more of its statistics available we will be publishing schools' expenditure for 2009-10 from the Consistent Financial Reporting exercise. This is in support...

        Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

        Barnet Council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

        Producer Prices Indices

        Contains indices on UK manufactured products together with the materials and fuel purchased, and the home sales at both broad and detailed industry levels. The data are used throughout business and...

        Office waste produced at Environment Agency premises 2015-16

        This dataset is comprises of office waste produced on each qualifying site, and covers requirements for measurement, monitoring and disposal arrangements. A qualifying site is based on 20 or more...

        Office waste produced at Environment Agency premises 2014-15

        This dataset is comprises of office waste produced on each qualifying site, and covers requirements for measurement, monitoring and disposal arrangements. A qualifying site is based on 20 or more...

        Producers leasing wholesale Milk Quota by county 1995 to 1996

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains producers leasing wholesale milk quota by county 1995 to 1996 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

        Producers transferring wholesale Milk Quota by county 2006 to 2007

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains producers transferring wholesale Milk Quota by county 2006 to 2007 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

        Producers leasing wholesale Milk Quota by county 1996 to 1997

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains producers leasing wholesale milk quota by county 1996 to 1997 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

        Producers transferring wholesale Milk Quota by county 2001 to 2002

        This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains producers transferring wholesale milk quota by county 2001 to 2002 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency