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72 results found

Percentage of asylum applications concluded in one year

The number of asylum applications received, the number of unsubstantiated claims and the number and percentage concluded.

Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish Courts, motor vehicle offences, and bail orders and offences. Source agency: Justice Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish Courts, motor vehicle offences, and bail orders and offences. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Evaluation of the first year of devolved Adult Education Budget in London

The GLA commissioned IFF Research to conduct an independent evaluation of the first year of AEB delivery after delegation of the AEB to the Mayor in 2019. The evaluation findings were “largely very...

Time-Use Surveys and the Measurement of National Well-Being

This article was commissioned by ONS, and establishes how time-use data can be used to measure National Well-being. It describes the potential uses of time-use data and concludes that time diaries...

UK Visas & Immigration asylum data

This record contains data on: the older live cases unit (OLCU); the appeal representation rate; decision quality; the breakdown of adult asylum intake and 6 month decisions by gender; the breakdown...

Skills for Londoners Strategy Local Skills Report and Annexes

The Skills for Londoners Board has published its first Local Skills Report. The report presents an overview of London’s skills landscape and an assessment of progress with the Skills for...

1960-1970 Barnes, RSK and Coughlan, J Blackwater Estuary Bottom Fauna Dredge Survey

A number of additions and corrections are made to the Blackwater Estuary fauna list. Distribution patterns revealed by a survey of the benthic fauna of the Blackwater Estuary in May 1970 are...

1960-1970 Barnes, RSK and Coughlan, J Blackwater Estuary Bottom Fauna Dredge Survey

A number of additions and corrections are made to the Blackwater Estuary fauna list. Distribution patterns revealed by a survey of the benthic fauna of the Blackwater Estuary in May 1970 are...

Vehicle security and vehicle crime

Vehicle crime has fallen 80% since 1995, which makes it one of the most important factors in the long-term decline in overall crime. The report aimed to extract a large amount of learning from...

FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data - Q1 2021

The FCA undertakes many reviews of firms’ financial promotions, which are identified through multiple sources including both consumer and firm referrals. The FCA looks at every financial advert...

FCA: Financial promotions quarterly data 2021 Q4

The FCA undertakes many reviews of firms’ financial promotions, which are identified through multiple sources including both consumer and firm referrals. The FCA looks at every financial advert...

The impacts of street lighting on biodiversity

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report and appendices all contain data and maps. The aim of this project is to assess, through landscape-scale...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Maritime Archaeology (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). In this report...

Species point records from 1985 AWA River Stour littoral survey

The survey was done as a pilot study for the future monitoring of the area in a three year rolling programme. A comparison was made with an earlier survey by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology...

Habitat point records from 1985 AWA River Stour littoral survey

The survey was done as a pilot study for the future monitoring of the area in a three year rolling programme. A comparison was made with an earlier survey by the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C3b, Status of UK species of European importance

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C3b, Status of UK species of European importance. Article 17 of the European Union Habitats Directive requires Member States...

Understanding impacts of changes in artificial lighting regimes on moths

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report and appendices contain tables of data, infographics and maps. Some maps have separate copyright statement. The...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Seafloor sediments and sediment processes on the outer continental shelf, continental slope and basin floor (north UKCS)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The report describes...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C3a, Status of UK habitats of European importance

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C3a, Status of UK habitats of European importance. Article 17 of the European Union Habitats Directive requires Member States...