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        2,615 results found

        Open Spaces

        Data recorded on all Open Spaces in the City. Analysis provided in the Open Spaces Audit. Contact Monitoring & Information team for further details. • Site Description – Records the name or...

        Housing Completions

        Net Housing Completions in Cambridgeshire 2002-2016 by district. Number of homes completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2015/16 according to annual monitoring reports, data...

        Housing Completions

        Number of homes completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2014/15 according to annual monitoring reports, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Research and Monitoring team

        Thurrock 2005 Open Space Strategy

        Complete Open Space Strategy. This data supports the Greengrid and Local Development Framework. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector...

        Development Completed

        Records all completions of new buildings and refurbishments over 1000 sq m since 1990. More detail provided in the Development Info reports and Development Schedules. Contact Monitoring &...

        Open Spaces

        Areas of open space as identified by the open space study and subsequent open space framework within Wycombe District, polygons

        Open Space

        Areas defined as Open Space in the Local Development Plan. Subject to policies GN.34 (Recreational Open Space) and GN.35 (Amenity Open Space) of the LDP.

        Apprenticeships completions

        Total number of apprenticeship completions by local authority (based on learner's home postcode) Source: Learning and Skills Council (LSC) Publisher: The Data Service Geographies: County/Unitary...

        Open space audit July 2011 civic space

        Open Space Audit and Assessment of Need (July 2011) - civic spaces.

        Open Spaces

        Open Spaces are identified for their public value and cover a broad range of typologies of both publicly and privately owned spaces such as parks, outdoor sports facilities, green space, play...

        Completed Internal Audits

        List of completed internal audits on the annual audit plan.

        Affordable Housing Completions

        Two sets of data are provided: The number of affordable homes completed each year; and an average over a 5 year rolling period, by district within the Cambridge houinsg sub-region (which covers...


        Open Space, Sport and Recreation Land Provision and Needs Assessment to support the process of planning for, and managing, open space, sport and recreation land and facilities across Wigan Borough.


        Open Space, Sport and Recreation Land Provision and Needs Assessment to support the process of planning for, and managing, open space, sport and recreation land and facilities across Wigan Borough.

        Parking Spaces

        Parking Spaces information including, locality, car park name and number of Spaces. This information is published as part of the [Local Government Transparency...

        Housing Completions 2015

        Number of homes completed (built) in each financial year according to annual monitoring reports, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Research and Monitoring team

        Open spaces

        Open Space

        Residential completions dashboard

        This dashboard provides details of residential completions from the [Planning London Datahub](

        Controlled parking spaces

        Publication of the number of marked out controlled on and off-street parking spaces within Wycombe district, or an estimate of the number of spaces where controlled parking space is not marked out...

        Open Space

        Open, Green Spaces