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        46 results found

        Certificates of Competence

        Numbers of Certificates of Competence (CoC) and Temporary Certificates of Competence (TCoC) issued by Food Standards Agency.

        Competent Person Register

        This dataset contains details of work completed by competent persons (e.g. gas, electrical, etc.) It is updated on a monthly basis. For more information about Building Control whether...

        Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences Issued

        Number of Slaughter Licences and Certificates of Competence issued by year. Please note that Welfare Legislation changed in 2014 in Wales and 2015 in England which removed the issue of Slaughter...

        European Survey of Language Competences

        The European Survey of Language Competences (ESLC) is an international survey of the language competence of . A total of XX countries participated in ESLC 2012. The survey included an assessment...

        Number of Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences Revoked or Suspended

        Number of Slaughter Licences and Certificates of Competence that have been suspended or revoked by year

        Suspension and Revocation Reasons for Certificates of Competence and Slaughter Licences

        Number of instances and reasons for suspension or revocation of Slaughter Licences or Certificates of Competence by year

        Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) system

        Records of continual professional development of LGV and PCV drivers. Includes training organisation list and courses available including those offered by specific qualified training centres;...

        Building Control Applications Northumberland

        Building Control Register of Applications including Competent Persons

        Testing And Registration System (TARS) refunds

        Details & copies of logos issued (Driver Certificate of Professional Competence and & SAFED).

        Allerdale Building Control Register

        Building Control Register of Applications including Competent Persons developed work recorded as polygon extents from the BLPU extents.

        Flexible Deployment Tool

        Timesheet allocation of hours on variety of projects. Competency Self-Assessments. Only name, position and time allocations & self-assessments held within.

        Separated Service Planning Tool Centre

        Details of Royal Navy and Royal Marines days away from base port to ensure separated service levels not exceeded; matches competencies to positions and highlights course needs

        Human Capital Estimates

        Valuation of the knowledge, skills, competencies and attributes of individuals that facilitate the creation of personal, social and economic well-being in the UK. Source agency: Office for...

        Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training Centre, Customer Relationship Management Data

        Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT) centre & course approvals - organisation & approved centre name & address, contact email & telephone no, nature, business size...

        Applications completed by County 2019-2020

        This dataset shows applications for registration competed sorted by county. It should be noted that many applications span county boundaries therefore a single application spanning two counties...

        Applications completed by County 2020-2021

        This dataset shows applications for registration competed sorted by county. It should be noted that many applications span county boundaries therefore a single application spanning two counties...

        UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing

        UK Depopulation report in compliance with Article 18 (4) of retained EU Council Regulation 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing. The published depopulation results are...

        FE data library: vocational qualifications archive

        Vocational qualifications are qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. The National Vocational Qualifications included in these tables cover all those accredited by Ofqual and are...

        FE data library: vocational qualifications

        Information on qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. Vocational qualifications are qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. The National Vocational Qualifications...

        Classifications Database (CAFE)

        Database of classifications of Class 1 dangerous goods, i.e. explosives and fireworks, which identifies the hazards posed by explosive substances and articles as packaged for transport. The...