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        616 results found

        No cold-calling zones

        No cold-calling zones within the Bristol boundary.No cold-calling zones aim to deter uninvited doorstep traders from calling at houses within the zone.

        Non Freezing Cold Injury

        A database of all recruits seen at ARTD with non freezing cold injuries.

        No Cold Calling Zones

        A no cold calling zone is a designated area where the resident community declare they no longer wish to accept traders calling at their home without an appointment. The zone is designated via the...

        Cold Calling Controlled Zones

        Cold Calling Controlled Zones in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

        Common Land

        Areas of land designated as Registered Common Land, created in accordance with the Common Land Registrations Act 1965

        Common Land

        Approximately 8.4% of Wales is covered by registered common land (Tir Comin) amounting to around 175,000 hectares. Within the Borough commons covering 35.97 square kilometres constitute 12.96% of...

        Cheshunt Common

        Cheshunt Common

        Common Land Register

        Areas of land designated as Registered Common Land, created in accordance with the Common Land Registrations Act 1965.


        This extract is taken from ArcGIS created polygons showing the common land in the borough of Ashford, Kent.

        Testing shoot cold hardiness in Eucalyptus (Daneshill energy plantation 2007)

        Several studies on growing eucalyptus in Britain have been undertaken over the last 25 years. All recognise the potential for establishing this species as a valuable forest crop while stressing...

        COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

        Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

        Common Land/Village Green

        Areas of land designated as Registered Common Land, created in accordance with the Common Land Registrations Act 1965.

        Commons and Village Greens

        Location of commons and village greens registered in Milton Keynes Borough, as defined in the Commons Registration Act 1965 and amended by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

        Common Land and Village Greens

        Common Land : Land registered as Common Land, for open public access and outdoor recreation, encompassing commoners and local grazing rights.

        Common Land and Village Greens

        This dataset comprises polygon data showing the extent & location of all Common Land & Village Greens within Bristol.Commons are typically unfenced land in private ownership with...

        Commons and Village Greens

        Location of commons and village greens in Milton Keynes

        Common Land & Village Greens

        Registered Common Land and Village Greens within the Wakefield district

        Marine Heatwaves and Cold Spells: Dataset and Methods

        Cefas Data Cube Viewer which can be accessed here: ``_ This portal contains Ostia Marine Heatwaves (MHW) and Cold Spells (MCS) dataset between 2020-present. There...

        Tate Archive - Creative Commons

        A portion of Tate archive works are being made available under Creative Commons licences as part of the Heritage Lottery funded project

        RPA Registered Common Land (RCL) Layer

        The Registered Common Land (RCL) Layer is an Administrative Boundary dataset which shows Rural Payments Agency land mapped as Registered Common Land. The RCL layer defines the extent of all...