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10 results found

Enquiry Tracking

To track enquiries from the public and ONS colleagues

Penna 360

360 data on Senior Managers. Penna invite colleagues of the requestor to complete a 15 online questionnaire on the requestor. The 360 Partnership, compile and release analysis to DfT.

Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects in arable fields and ley strips in farms in North Yorkshire, England (2016)

Data are presented on earthworm abundance with distance from hedgerows was recorded for arable fields and pasture leys at farms at Little Langton, Hutton Wandesley, Overton and Whenby, Yorkshire....

Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects from hedges into arable fields, pasture fields, ley strips established in arable fields and arable strips established in pasture fields at a farm in West Yorkshire, England (2015-2017)

Data are presented on earthworm abundance with distance from hedgerows was recorded for arable fields and pasture leys at Spens farm, the University of Leeds experiment farms, Yorkshire. Sampling...

Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects in arable fields and ley strips in farms in North Yorkshire, England

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Data are presented on earthworm abundance with distance from hedgerows was recorded for arable fields and pasture leys at farms at Little Langton, Hutton...

Soil moisture, temperature and bulk density and earthworm abundance and biomass along transects from hedges into arable fields, pasture fields, ley strips established in arable fields and arable strips established in pasture fields at a farm in West Yorkshire.

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Data are presented on earthworm abundance with distance from hedgerows was recorded for arable fields and pasture leys at Spens farm, the University of Leeds...

How do subduction zones initiate, develop and end: Imaging the Reversal of Subduction in the Solomon Islands (NERC grant NE/M00788X/1)

In this urgency proposal we will deploy seismometers for 1 year to record aftershocks from sequence of 4 major earthquakes with magnitudes between 7.1-7.6. These recordings and other recordings of...

Herbivory rates, species traits and leaf traits across symbiotic nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species from a Panamanian tropical forest, 2007-2019

This dataset contains measurements of herbivory and the potential controls on herbivory for nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing trees in a mature tropical forest of Panama. Data include herbivory...

2013 round population projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   The 2013 round of projections featured a large number...

Focus on London - Health

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**HEALTH**:CHILDREN**AND**YOUNG**PEOPLE** The health and wellbeing of London’s children and young people is fundamental to the health of the city. The recent Marmot...