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3,377 results found

CoL Toilets

Locations of Public Toilets within the CoL


Area allocated as CO/RL/1 in Allocations Policy Co/MU/1 in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

EU Project: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research

The CO2CARE (CO2 Site Closure Assessment REsearch) project focused on site closure and preparation for transfer of liability of a CO2 storage project in order to assist regulatory authorities and...

CO2 leakage detection

UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2020. Experimental data are the acoustic emission (AE) signals collected with three AE sensors when CO2 leak from a CO2 storage cylinder under different pressures....

EU Project: CO2GeoNet - Network of Excellence on CO2 Geological Storage

CO2GeoNet is the European scientific authority dealing with all aspects of geological storage of CO2, durably engaged in enabling the safe and efficient deployment of the CO2 Capture and Storage...

Co-funded employer engagement return

Higher Education Institution (HEI) co-funded employer engagement student numbers. This was a return from HEIs in receipt of co-funded student numbers.

CO2 Emissions

This data shows estimates of carbon dioxide emissions within the scope of influence of local authorities, in tonnes of CO2 per Person per Year. This government data aims to provide nationally...

Schools Electricity - CO2 (kg)

Schools Electricity - CO2 (kg)

Schools Renewables - CO2 (kg)

Schools Renewables - CO2 (kg)

Corporate Renewables - CO2 (kg)

Corporate Renewables - CO2 (kg)

New user accounts created on Do it Online (Data Unvalidated)

New user accounts created on Do it Online (Data Unvalidated) *This indicator has been discontinued.

EU Project: CO2STORE (On-land long term saline aquifer CO2-storage)

EU is required to reduce its CO2 emissions by 8% by 2008-2012, later deeper cuts are foreseen. CO2 underground storage is one of the few options that can meet these obligations. The present project...

CO2 Flow Metering

UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2020. The experimental data was collected on a 1-inch bore gas-liquid two-phase CO2 flow rig in real time. The first column of the table is the time stamp. The second to...

EPSRC Project: Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a promising means of lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of harmful CO2 leakage are...

Schools Natural Gas - CO2 (kg)

Schools Natural Gas - CO2 (kg)

Fleet Transport - Unleaded - CO2 (kg)

Fleet Transport - Unleaded - CO2 (kg)

Corporate Natural Gas - CO2 (kg)

Corporate Natural Gas - CO2 (kg)

Street Lighting - Electricity - CO2 (kg)

Street Lighting - Electricity - CO2 (kg)

Business Travel - Car - CO2 (kg)

Business Travel - Car - CO2 (kg)

Schools Gas Oil - CO2 (kg)

Schools Gas Oil - CO2 (kg)