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        Southend Civic Buildings

        The point shapefile represents the locations of all the Civic Buildings in the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Boundary. Civic buildings refer to public buildings within the borough that are...

        Civic Spaces

        Civic (or public) informal open space which may also include market squares. This dataset is currently under review and its accuracy is subject to the review. Upon accessing this Licensed Data...


        Dataset contains areas identified as civic spaces – public areas where communities interact. It does not denote authority ownership.

        Civic Space

        The purpose of the feature is to show the location of Civic Spaces.

        Thurrock Civic Amenity Site

        This dataset shows the location of the Civic Amenity Site in Thurrock. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

        Birmingham Civic Dashboard

        The Birmingham Civic Dashboard receives a report of the requests that come in from members of the public for services from Birmingham City Council each day. It then produces a number of...

        London Civic Strength Index

        Co-designed and co-created with Londoners, the Civic Strength Index was developed by [The Young Foundation]( and funded by the GLA. It helps London boroughs and...

        Belfasts Civic Amenity Sites

        This data set contains information about our civic amenity sites, data items include: name, address, longitude, latitude

        Bassetlaw District Council Civic Space

        The dataset from 2012 includes land classified as Civic Space within the Bassetlaw District Area. The Civic Spaces dataset contains information such as locations, settlements, catchment figures...

        Surrey Heath Borough Council Civic Uses Policy Area

        Dataset displaying the Civic Uses Policy Area for Surrey Heath. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

        Open space audit July 2011 civic space

        Open Space Audit and Assessment of Need (July 2011) - civic spaces.

        Saved Local Plan Policy D19 - Civic Open Spaces

        Dataset showing Civic Open Spaces under Policy D19 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of...

        Saved Local Plan Policy A13 - Civic Cultural Community and Offices

        Sites allocated for Civic Cultural Community and Offices under the Saved Local Plan policy A3. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

        NI 003 - Civic participation in the local area

        The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

        NI 003 - Civic participation in the local area

        The indicator aims to measure a sense of belonging to ones neighbourhood and in doing so enables a thriving place in which a fear of difference is replaced by a shared set of values and a shared...

        Civic Amenity Sites

        Recycling Centres offering recycling and waste disposal services for local residents

        Materials collected for preparation for reuse and recycling including composting at NI civic amenity sites - Time Series Data

        This dataset accompanies the NI LAC municipal waste management statistics reports. It provides data on the materials collected for preparation for reuse and recycling including composting at...

        Public health funerals data

        We have a duty to dispose of a deceased body under the provisions of the National Assistance and Public Health (Control of Disease) Acts 1948, if the person who died has no assets or if there are...

        Public Sector Facility Time Publication

        Public Sector Facility Time Publication of Trade Union Facilities data derived from records held on trade union representatives both at branch and local level.

        Public Perception of Safety on Public Transport

        The report contains data on public perception of how safe it is to use public transport: whether they currently use public transport, if they feel safe, what makes them feel unsafe, what would make...