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        NERC Grant NE/N011708/1. An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification

        Laboratory data examining the role of silicon in coccolithophore biology, looking at effects on coccolith formation and on growth.

        NERC Grant NE/N011708/1. An unexpected requirement for silicon in coccolithophore calcification

        Laboratory data examining the role of silicon in coccolithophore biology, looking at effects on coccolith formation and on growth.

        Coccolithophore experimental data for Kottmeier et al Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2022

        Experimental data underpinning 2022 PNAs publication Kottmeier et al 2022. Data comprises growth and calcification, electrophysiology, intracellular pH imaging and coccolith morphology under a...

        Coccolithophore experimental data for Kottmeier et al Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2022

        Experimental data underpinning 2022 PNAs publication Kottmeier et al 2022. Data comprises growth and calcification, electrophysiology, intracellular pH imaging and coccolith morphology under a...

        The full width half maxima (FWHM) of the ν1 peak in the aragonite spectrum by Raman spectroscopy of aragonite precipitated in vitro in the presence and absence of biomolecules.

        FWHM of aragonite samples precipitated from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Data were collected to determine...

        Aragonite precipitation rates from seawater at 25°C and ΩAr = 11.4 in the presence and absence of amino acids and short peptides

        Aragonite precipitations rates of precipitations from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Aragonite precipitation...

        The full width half maxima (FWHM) of the ν1 peak in the aragonite spectrum by Raman spectroscopy of aragonite precipitated in vitro over varying temperature and seawater omega(aragonite)

        FWHM of 19 aragonite samples precipitated from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between August 2020 and December 2022. Aragonite precipitation rates are...

        Aragonite precipitation rates from seawater of variable pH, saturation state, biomolecule composition and temperature

        Precipitations were conducted using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between August 2020 and April 2022. Aragonite precipitation rates are estimated from the rate of...

        Element ratios of seawater and of aragonite precipitated in vitro from seawater at 25°C over variable pH and seawater saturation state and in the presence and absence of amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid and glycine)

        Strontium/calcium, magnesium/calcium, lithium/calcium and boron/calcium ratios of 107 aragonite samples precipitated in vitro using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique...

        The amino acid composition of 20 aragonite samples precipitated in vitro in the presence and absence of amino acid (aspartic acid and glycine, separately and in combination), the dipeptide glycyl-L-aspartic acid and tetra-aspartic acid.

        Amino acid compositions of aragonite samples precipitated from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Samples were...

        Late Eocene microspherule count and foraminifera multispecies oxygen and carbon stable isotope data from DSDP Site 94

        Twenty-six 10 cm3 samples from DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project) Site 94, Core 15, sections 3 and 4 were examined at 10 cm-intervals (417.84-415.01 meters below seafloor [mbsf]). The sedimentary...

        Nannofossil assemblage data IODP expedition U359 (NERC grant NE/N014049/1)

        Nannofossil assemblage data IODP expedition U359 produced from NERC Grant NE/N014049/1. Data collected from the Maldives, Indian Ocean. NERC grant award abstract: IOPD Expedition 359, Sea Level,...