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1,360 results found

Relocation records

Lists of costs for individual employees in relation to their relocation expenses.

London Business Survey 2014 - Business Profile

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

Business Rates - Small Business Rate Relief

Properties receiving Small Business Rate Relief, either at the maximum amount or on the tapered relief for qualifying properties with Rateable Values (RV) between £12,000 and £17,000. Includes:...

Wycombe business rate relief small business

Businesses in the Wycombe district in receipt of small business relief.

Business Demography

Business demography data counts numbers of active businesses with turnover or employment in a reporting year. It also indicates numbers of new businesses (business births) and numbers of...

Business Rates

Information on businesses who pay business rates in Salford. Information includes business address, rateable value and other details.


Info for and about businesses and workers in the borough

Business rates

Information on all business who pay business rates in Leeds. Information includes business name, rateable value and full postal address. For a visualisation of the information contained in this...

London Business Survey 2014 - Business support for SMEs

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

London Business Survey 2014 - Business performance and outlook

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

Business Investment

Investment trends for businesses. Contains capital expenditure data at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

VAT registered businesses

Number of VAT-registered businesses recorded. "Enterprise Directorate: Business Start-ups and Closures: VAT Registrations and De-registrations" Please note that there will be no further releases...

Bradford business rates

Business Rates datasets available for the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council General list of business properties in the Bradford District Credits held against Business Rate accounts New...

Business Demography

This product includes births, deaths and survivals of UK enterprises. The active stock of businesses is also shown, so that birth and death rates can be calculated. Source agency: Office for...

Business Parks

Business Parks

Total Businesses

Total Businesses

Business Deaths

Business Deaths

Business Births

Business Births

Annual Business Survey

This short story uses a snapshot of ONS’s Annual Business Survey (ABS) to look at the contribution that foreign-owned registered businesses in the UK made to the UK Non-Financial Business Economy...

Business rates

All Business rates excluding void properties in Stockport.