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DFMS - Planning, Budgeting, Forecasting

Providing Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting information to the MOD. Data Models include; - ESP - EPP - TLB Plan (Accounting& Manpower) - Capability Sponsor Plan - Asset Delivery Schedule -...

Data tables for the June 2010 Budget economic and fiscal forecast

These are the tables from Annex C of the June 2010 Budget delivered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 22 June 2010. They were created by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) as part of...

Budget and Actuals figures

HMRC expenditure versus the budgeted expenditure. Updated: monthly.

FSA Core Tables Administration Budget

Core Tables as required by FReM detailing the FSA’s Administration Budget

Financial reports on Local Authority planned budgets for their education and children's social care functions:

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care budget statement. These...


The report includes The overall budget and funding Council tax level The medium term financial forecast The capital programme


The report includes The overall budget and funding Council tax level The medium term financial forecast The capital programme

Revenue budget 2011-12

The revenue budget for each local authority in 2011-12, broken down by service category. This dataset includes detailed information on the 2011-12 spending plans of every local authority in...

Council budget

A breakdown of the council's budget as at 1 April.

Budget monitoring

Budget monitoring reports are submitted to Cabinet meetings every month and provide Councillors with an update on any significant budget issues within the service areas.

Council budgets

This dataset provides a detailed analysis of the approved budget for Leeds City Council, as agreed by Full Council each year. The data provides an analysis by directorate, summary budget heading...

Council Budget

The council budget for Calderdale Council as agreed by the full Council at the annual budget meeting (known as the Base budget). The data is broken down by service, cost centre and type of...

Council Budget

The council budget and capital programme contains the budget and council tax report approved by council each year. The revenue budget covers the estimated annual running costs of council services,...

Official Development Assistance (ODA) Budget

Summary of FCO Official Development Assistance by category

Planning casework service

Holds records relating to the Inspectorate's processing of planning\enforcement\listed building\conservation area consent\lawful development certificate\advertisement appeals where the decision is...

Comparison of original and final budgets 2009-10

Comparison of outturn information with final plans by department for 2009-10, taken from snapshots 31 and 11 (Main Estimate outturn snapshot April 2010 and Spring Supplementary Estimates plans...

Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis - Departmental budgets

PESA brings together information on public expenditure within the current budgeting and control framework.

Defra Core Tables (resource and capital budget)

The aim of the published tables is to provide an explanation of what Defra spends money on. They provide an analysis of departmental expenditure between resource consumption and capital investment.

Locality Budget Grants

Small annual grant scheme of £2,000 for each Ward Councillor to initiate new projects or to provide additional funding to match already committed resources. The budgets can be used for projects...

Locality Budget Grants

Small annual grant scheme of £2,000 for each Ward Councillor to initiate new projects or to provide additional funding to match already committed resources. The budgets can be used for projects...