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        1,071 results found

        Programme Accounting Computer System & Programme Accounting Computer System - Accounts Payable

        Details of war pension accounts

        SAGE Accounts

        Accounts and invoicing system. Personal data:- Name, NI number, PAYE information, Salary, Bank account details, Company information, Budget information.

        UK Environmental Accounts

        The UK Environmental Accounts are satellite accounts to the main UK National Accounts and facilitate environmental-economic analyses, providing statistics on the environmental impact of UK economic...

        Annual Accounts

        MACC - Annual Accounts

        Parking account

        Parking account

        Parking Accounts

        This dataset was produced as part of the Transparency Code and contains the income and expenditure on the Council's parking account for a given financial year. This dataset contains CSV files of...

        Parking Account

        The council's parking account, including a breakdown of income and expenditure and detail of how any surplus is spent.

        Parking Account

        The council's parking account, including a breakdown of income and expenditure and detail of how any surplus is spent.

        National Accounts articles

        National Accounts articles and supporting material which appear in the National Accounts area of Guidance and Methodology on the ONS website Source agency: Office for National...

        NNDR Live Accounts

        NNDR Live Accounts

        Special Parking Account

        a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account. The breakdown of income must include details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty...

        DFMS - Accounting Operations (IYM)

        Accounting Application including; - Shared Service Centre (SSC) General Ledger (GL) - TLB GLs - Fixed Asset Module (Including MEAD2, SBSO FARs, Merlin, Maestro) - Accounts Payable - Accounts...

        Parking Account

        This dataset contains all income and expenditure on the Council's parking account for a given financial year. This information will be updated on an annual basis and, if applicable, will include...

        Lifelong Learning Accounts

        Lifelong Learning Accounts, will contain personal staff information.

        Parking Account ECDC

        Dataset of East Cambridgeshire District Council’s Parking Account as defined by the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities Data Transparency 2014. In line with the Governments...

        Parking Account

        Parking Account information from 2008/09 published as part of the [Local Government Transparency...

        Sport Satellite Account

        Figures on the economic value of sport to the UK economy Source agency: Culture, Media and Sport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

        Quarterly National Accounts

        A detailed breakdown of the components of GDP as well as key sector accounts aggregates. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

        NNDR Accounts in Credit

        NNDR Accounts in Credit

        Monthly Trading Accounts (MTA)

        FCO(S) - Monthly Trading Accounts