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        National Transport Model Highway Assignment Output

        Data file from the NTM V4 highway assignment module. Contains all-day trip data for 2004. Further technical information is included in the zip file.

        Parentage assignments from a genetic pedigree of a wild population of banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

        The data contains the genetic identity of parents (maternal and paternal identities and assignment probabilities) identified from DNA extracted from tail tips analysed using the MASTERBAYES...

        Amatrice Sequence International (in agreement with the Network Name assigned in IRIS) (NERC grant NE/P016626/1)

        The data collection consists of 25 3-component broadband seismic station at 100sps (approx. 45mb per station, per day) located in the epicentral area of the 26th August 2016, M=6.0 Amatrice...

        Client Delivery Resource Management and Allocation Tools

        FCO(S) - Details of resource assignments and Project Allocations


        Polygon data showing the location of allotments. Each allotment has an assigned score in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 17.


        Polygon data showing the location of allotments. Each allotment has an assigned score in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 17.

        OGA SubAreas BNG

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA Licensed Blocks BNG

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA Licences WGS84

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA Licensed Blocks WGS84

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA Licences BNG

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA SubAreas WGS84

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA Licences ETRS89

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA Licensed Blocks ETRS89

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        OGA SubAreas ETRS89

        Licence boundaries covering both onshore and offshore UK taken directly from OGA's Petroleum E-business, Assignment and Relinquishment System (PEARS)

        MMO1044 spatial confidence in the essential fish habitat modelled outputs

        This data shows the relative confidence on the EFH model prediction calculated by combining information on the statistical model predictive ability, confidence assigned to the input data layers...

        Data Zone Boundaries 2001

        Data zones are the core geography for dissemination of results from Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics (SNS). The data zone geography covers the whole of Scotland and nests within local authority...

        School Catchment Areas - 2013 to 2015 (Dundee)

        Geographical catchment areas for schools operated by Dundee City Council, used in conjunction with the authorities enrolment procedures when assigning pupils to primary and secondary schools.

        Polling Districts - South Ayrshire

        Boundary dataset depicting the Polling Districts across South Ayrshire. Polling Districts delineate properties assigned to a particular polling place and/or polling station for local and national...

        2004 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Portland Dorset, Dive survey

        Records from MCS members' dives weekend around Portland. Records were subsequently validated by an expert post-survey assessor and assigned biotopes according to the MNCR 04.05 key.