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SLDC Planning Applications

Planning applications in South Lakeland released as part of the open Data Incentive Scheme. Please note these cover the South Lakeland District Council Planning area, not including the Lake...

Archive & Access Digitisation project

A huge, Heritage Lottery funded project to digitise a tranche of the million objects the Tate holds relating to art and artists from 1900 onwards

Quad Service Manpower data

This is a front end to a flat file system containing historical Army, Navy and RAF manpower data from there systems prior to migration to JPA. The system also contains Civilian manpower data from...

Service Manpower Data

This is a front end to a database containing all service personnel recorded on JPA. The system contains snapshots of data from April 2006 to the present. It is used for producing statistics on the...

Opiate and crack-cocaine users

This research report uses available data to estimate the number of new users of opiates and, or crack-cocaine (OCUs) between 2005 and 2013. This paper estimates that around 5,000 to 8,000...

Sheffield Air Quality Management Area

We have a statutory duty to manage local air quality in Sheffield under the Environment Act 1995. We have an Air Quality Action Plan for how we will tackle problems with air quality in Sheffield....

UAD Civil War

The Chester Archaeological Period Characterisations were created as part of the Chester Urban Archaeological Database (UAD) Project and encompass the Chester non parish area and civil parishes of...


The Chester Archaeological Period Characterisations were created as part of the Chester Urban Archaeological Database (UAD) Project and encompass the Chester non parish area and civil parishes of...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C5, Birds of the wider countryside and at sea

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C5, Birds of the wider countryside and at sea. Bird populations have long been considered to provide a good indication of the...

Gritting Routes - Scotland

Each local authority creates gritting routes and regimes to keep their most important roads (and in some cases footpaths) and networks clear come bad winter weather. Most LAs create these as line...

UK Biodiversity Indicator E1, Biodiversity data for decision making

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator E1, Biodiversity data for decision making. Good policy making and evaluation is based on evidence. Evidence will also help...

DAPSTOM Fish Stomach Data - 1836 to Present

DAPSTOM (integrated database and portal for fish stomach records) is an ongoing initiative (supported by Defra and the EU) to digitise and make available fish stomach content records spanning the...

Standard Area Measurements for Travel to Work Areas (December 2011) in the UK

This file contains the Standard Area Measurements (SAM) for 2011 travel to work areas (TTWA) in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2011. All measurements provided are ‘flat’ as they do not take...

Loneliness prevalance in over 65s

Loneliness and social isolation can occur at any stage in life but is more prominent in the elderly population (over 65’s). Loneliness can increase the risk of premature death by 30 per cent...

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mapping Project

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mapping Project is a project that has been carried out over 12 years, with the aim to enhance our understanding about past human settlement, by providing...

London’s consumption based greenhouse gas emissions

Tackling London’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a huge challenge. The impact of these emissions goes far beyond the city’s boundaries. From the electronics we buy and the food we eat to the...

2021 Camden School Places Planning Reporting (Primary, Secondary & SEND)

The 2021 Camden Annual School Places Planning reporting incorporates all underlying demographic data including: existing provision and capacity, actual registered births, and fertility, the latest...

Pulleniatina sample weights U1486 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina sample weights U1486. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program which...

Pulleniatina Coiling Data IODP Exp 363 (NERC grant NE/P016375/1)

Pulleniatina U1486 coiling sequence. Grant abstract: This grant supports the participation of UK scientists Professor Paul Pearson in Expedition 363 of the International Ocean Discovery Program...

Melting in the Deep Earth (NERC grants NE/I010734/1 and NE/I010947/1)

Published paper from grant NE/I010734/1, Modeling the melting of multicomponent systems: the case of MgSiO3 perovskite under lower mantle conditions by Cono Di Paola and John P. Brodholt doi:...