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        Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of blood borne viruses in Injecting Drug Users

        Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey of blood borne viruses in Injecting Drug Users

        Unlinked anonymous Serosurveys of HIV prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) - Neonatal dried blood spots

        Unlinked anonymous Serosurveys of HIV prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) - Neonatal dried blood spots

        Unlinked anonymous Serosurveys of HIV prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) (Genito-Urinary Medicine, GUM, Clinics)

        Measure the proportion of undiagnosed HIV prevalence in GUM clinics

        Medical Referrals

        Anonymous list sent to our medical provider.

        Civil Service People Survey

        Legacy data compiled by the Open Research Compiler (ORC). This is staff anonymous data following a staff survey, conducted every year.

        Camden Right To Buy Register

        This dataset contains Right To Buy applications for Camden housing stock from 1st January 2010 onwards. Records associated with houses have been partly redacted to preserve resident anonymity.

        Combined Food Fuel Poverty Health and Wellbeing Survey 2018

        Dataset containing results of the 2018 Leicester Health and Wellbeing Survey for questions related to Food and Fuel Poverty. Wards with 5 or fewer responses have been supressed to maintain...

        Camden Housing Stock

        This dataset contains a list of Camden's housing stock; attributes include the property type, number of bedrooms and approximate location. Location is based on the centre point of the housing...

        Cancer Registration: Incidence, treatment and survival time of lung sarcomatoid cancer in England (2004-2017)

        National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2020).Cancer Registration: Incidence and treatment of lung sarcomatoid cancer in England (2004-2017) [Data set]. Public Health England....

        Noise nuisance - out of hours

        This dataset shows all instances of noise nuisance reports between 18:00 - 03:30. All records contained in the data files contain postcodes provided by the reporting person and exclude anonymous...

        Cancer Registration: Frequency counts of cancer patients in receipt of radiotherapy between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017

        • Frequency counts of cancer patients receiving radiotherapy, who were resident in England, and began treatment with radiotherapy between 1st April 2016 and 31st March 2017. All data is derived...

        Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of lung cancer tumours in England 2009 to 2013

        National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2018). Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of lung cancer tumours in England 2009 to 2013 [Data set]. Public Health England....

        Flood warning system registration figures

        Dataset shows the number of registrations for the flood warning system (FWS) by target area (flood warning and flood alert areas). The dataset includes figures for publically registerable live...

        Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017)

        National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017) [dataset]. Public Health England....

        Cancer Registration: Incidence of female breast cancer in London, 2002 - 2017

        National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2020). Cancer Registration: Incidence of female breast cancer in London (2002 - 2017) [Data set]. Public Health England....

        Noise nuisance - daytime

        This dataset shows all noise nuisance reports in office hours (08:00 - 18:00). These incidents are typically ongoing matters which once reported will be investigated. For...

        2021 Okeanos Casablanca fishing port Morocco Rhincodon typus bycatch sighting

        In February 2021 a whale shark was observed to be caught as bycatch by a bottom trawler at Casablanca fishing port, Morocco. The species was first identified in a photo posted in february...

        2021 Okeanos Casablanca fishing port Morocco Rhincodon typus bycatch sighting

        In February 2021 a whale shark was observed to be caught as bycatch by a bottom trawler at Casablanca fishing port, Morocco. The species was first identified in a photo posted in february...

        Cancer Registration: Cancer Incidence in England (1971-2016)

        National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Cancer Registration: Cancer Incidence in England (1971-2016) [Data set]. Public Health England....

        UKTI Performance and Impact Monitoring Survey (PIMS)

        The client surveys involve client interviews that give evidence for the quality of service UKTI provides to business. It is completed by an independent market research company specialising in...