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Trust Data Marts

Trusts data represents different pages of the Trust & Estate tax return, analogous to SA data for individuals. Trusts returns are filled in by trustees, not beneficiaries. Updated: annually....

Trust Data Marts

Trusts data represents different pages of the Trust & Estate tax return, analogous to SA data for individuals. Trusts returns are filled in by trustees, not beneficiaries. Updated: annually....

Inventory of FCO Archive

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) records archive contains an estimated 1.2 million records in paper, microform and other formats. Around 50% of the records in the archive are FCO...

Northern Ireland Civil Service Employment Statistics

Figures at the Northern Ireland level, N I Civil Service staff numbers by department disaggregated by headcount, full-time equivalents, permanent, temporary/casual, gender and by analogous grade...

Severn Estuary: Assessment of sources for appraisal of the impact of maritime aggregate extraction

The Severn Estuary: Assessment of sources for appraisal of impact of maritime aggregate extraction project was undertaken by the Museum of London Archaeology Servcice (MoLAS) and was funded by the...

Severn Estuary: Assessment of sources for appraisal of the impact of maritime aggregate extraction

The Severn Estuary: Assessment of sources for appraisal of impact of maritime aggregate extraction project was undertaken by the Museum of London Archaeology Servcice (MoLAS) and was funded by the...

Joule II Project Paper: Safety of the underground disposal of carbon dioxide

The risks associated with the transport and injection of carbon dioxide are reasonably well understood and already borne in the USA. There is a remote possibility that CO2 disposed of underground...

VOLCano ANalogues Search (VOLCANS) datasets used to parameterise the Aluto event tree model (NERC Grant NE/L013460/1)

Electronic Supplementary Material: "Event trees and epistemic uncertainty in long-term volcanic hazard assessment of rift volcanoes: the example of Aluto (Central Ethiopia)", by Tierz, P., Clarke,...

Element and radionuclide concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils from a forest in north-west England

This dataset presents the results of an initial sampling exercise conducted at a terrestrial site in northwest England in summer 2010. The following samples of terrestrial Reference Animals and...