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737 results found

ADM Landscape Allocations

Areas allocated for Landscape Buffers associated with another allocation in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

Residential Allocation

Residential Allocation

Residential Allocation

Residential Allocation

Retail Allocation

Retail Allocation

Employment Allocation

Employment Allocation

Retail Allocation

Retail Allocation

Housing Allocation

Wolverhampton City Council Housing Allocation

Planning Allocations

This layer shows area of land that are allocated for development within the Broxtowe Borough Council area. It includes all current allocations from different planning policy documents such as the...

Spending Allocations

Details of Warwickshire County Council's spending allocations.

Site Allocations

Sites have been allocated as part of the planning process to make sure Tower Hamlets has the infrastructure needed to support the anticipated level of growth set out in the Core Strategy,...

Employment Allocations

Employment Allocations taken from Stroud District Council Local Plan

Housing Allocations

Wychavon District Council South Worcestershire Development Plan Housing_Allocations

Site Allocations

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all site allocations within the London Borough of Sutton which have been formally designated in the adopted Site Development Policies Development Plan...

ADM Employment Allocations

Areas allocated for Transport Use in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

ADM Retail Allocations

Areas allocated for Retail Use in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

ADM Housing Allocations

Areas allocated for Housing use in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

Housing Allocations

The Housing Allocations on the Proposals Map for the Wyre 1999 Adopted Local Plan.

Housing Allocation

Dataset showing Housing Allocations in the East Staffordshire Borough as identified in Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031

Housing Allocation

Housing Allocations as designated in the Sefton MBC Unitary Development Plan adopted June 2006. The majority of these sites have subsequently been developed.

Site allocations

Site Allocations - Local Plan Policies SA1, BCAP SA1, BCAP SA2, BCAP SA3, BCAP SA4, BCAP SA5, BCAP SA6