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External written translation fees

Data on the fees HMRC pays to external suppliers for written translation services. Updated: monthly.

External written translation fees

Data on the fees HMRC pays to external suppliers for written translation services. Updated: monthly.

UK Visa Fees

Visa immigration and nationality fees for all applications made from outside and within the UK. Fees for all visas are covered, including those for visitors, work, students, settlement and...

Affordable Housing Survey: A review of the quality of affordable housing in England

A survey of the design quality, as measured by CABE Building For Life criteria, of affordable housing in England, commissioned by the Homes and Communities Agency. Source agency: Communities and...

Consultancy fees

Annual consultancy fees in total, by supplier and by directorate.

Additional Affordable Dwellings

Additional affordable dwellings by local authority district, England 1991-92 to 2016-17 This dataset describes the additions to the stock of affordable housing from the period 1991-92 to 2016-17,...

Affordable housing supply

There are a large number of Housing spreadsheets that provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal...

Affordable housing provision

All new affordable housing completions/ acquisitions Source: Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix, Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and Local Government...

Helpline database for Childcare Affordability Pilots (CAP09)

Information collected by the spoken for helpline taking customers' calls for the CAP09 pilots. Updated: quarterly. Data coverage: 2009/10

Helpline database for Childcare Affordability Pilots (CAP09)

Information collected by the Spoken for helpline taking customers' calls for the CAP09 pilots. Updated: quarterly. Data coverage: 2009/10

Affordable Housing Supply, England

This release presents data on affordable housing supply in England. This was previously entitled 'Gross Affordable Housing Supply’ and has been renamed to 'Affordable Housing Supply’. This is...

Libraries Fees and Charges

Details of all of the fees and charges collected by Calderdale libraries , broken down into categories.

Annual fees and expenses of UKCES Commissioners

Details of the travel and subsistence expenses for meetings and visits claimed by Commissioners at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills. Please also see the Terms and Conditions of...

Queries and disputes related to fee for Intervention

HSE operates a Fee for Intervention (FFI) cost recovery scheme, which came into effect on 1 October 2012. Under the FFI scheme, HSE can recover all of the costs it incurs from dealing with...

Conference fees

Wilton Park - Fees paid by individual participants

Passport fees

Table of the fees applicable to the different passports available from Her Majesty's Passport Office.

Affordable Housing

Data showing the amount of completed Affordable Housing in Plymouth.

Affordable Housing

Affordable houses built in Calderdale including, number, locality, funding and provider. We have also published a document which explains the data and some of the acronyms and terms used.

Housing affordability

This data sets out the percentage of residents of the Cambridge housing sub-region who are unable to afford housing, based on contemporary income data and housing costs, broken down into percentage...

Impact indicator: affordable housing completions

Number of affordable housing completions (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of completions under the relevant programmes within the reporting...