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Outward Foreign Affiliates Statistics

This survey measures turnover, employment and the number of foreign affiliates of multinational enterprises where the ultimate controlling institution is within the UK. It looks at foreign...

Public Relations and Affilliations Manag

Public relations data - HMS BULWARK A record of affiliations and public relations data.

List of Current Councillors for Monmouthshire County Council

A link to the website listing the current Councillors of Monmouthshire along with their contact details, party information and committee affiliations.

Photosynthetic-CO2 response curves at different leaf temperatures in tropical montane rainforest tree species from Colombian Andes, 2022

This dataset contains information about temperature response curves of ACi (i.e., CO2 response curves of net photosynthesis) that were collected on Colombian Andean forests tree species that were...

Census 2021 - Religion

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Trace elements in residential indoor vacuum dust, collected via a citizen-led sampling approach and analysed by XRF (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

A dataset of trace metal concentrations (As, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in indoor dust from homes from 11 countries, along with a suite of potentially contributory residential characteristics. A...

GlaciStore: cover sheet to full proposal to IODP, UK CCS RC, Call 1 (1 April 2015)

Full proposal cover sheet for scientific drilling (852-CPP) 'GlaciStore: Understanding Late Cenozoic glaciation and basin processes for the development of secure large-scale offshore CO2 storage...

GlaciStore: Cover sheet to revised full proposal to IODP, UK CCS RC Call 1 (1 April 2016)

Revised full proposal cover sheet for scientific drilling (852-CPP2) 'GlaciStore: Understanding Pleistocene glaciation and basin processes and their impact on fluid migration pathways (North Sea)',...