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        403 results found

        Northern Ireland Railways NIR Culverts

        A northern Ireland Railways Structure asset with a span or diameter greater than 450mm and less than 1800mm whose primary purpose is usually, but not exclusively, to permit water or services to...

        Railway Node

        A point spatial object that is used to break up the Railway Network for connectivity. The Railway Network splits for the following circumstances: The location where an attribute changes The...

        Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

        Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

        Scottish Adjacent Waters Limit

        The Scottish Adjacent Waters limit

        Railway Stations

        Data related to railway stations.

        Railway Link Set

        A Railway Link Set depicts the full extent of a named railway as one continuous line. It may carry the name in more than one language.

        Railway Link

        A Railway Link is a linear feature that defines the geometry and connectivity of the Rail Network between two points in the network.


        GIS polygon dataset identifying the location of the railway stations in the Brentwood Borough. The dataset is geometry only. Digitised at 1:1250 scale

        Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

        The Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

        Railway Station Safeguarding

        Areas of land protected for possible future railway stations.

        Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W

        The Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W limit

        Northern Ireland Railways NIR Railway Network

        The Northern Ireland Railways network consists of approximately 220 route miles. NIR network is divided into the various lines, known as; Dublin Line, Bangor Line, Larne Line, Londonderry Line,...

        Northern Ireland Railways Stations

        A Northern Ireland Railways Station is defined as a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or goods. A Station generally consists of a platform next to the track...

        Whitchurch Railway Station Car Park

        Dataset showing the location of the Whitchurch Railway Station Car Park as defined in the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan (2011 - 2029) Policy SS11 – Whitchurch Railway Station Car Park This 1...

        Southend Railway Stations

        This dataset shows the location of the railway stations in Southend. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

        Rochford Railway Stations

        This dataset shows the location of Railway Stations within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

        Northern Ireland Railways Halts

        A Northern Ireland Railways Halt is defined as a small station, usually unstaffed and with few or no facilities.

        Northern Ireland Railways NIR Bridges

        A Northern Ireland Railways Structure asset of one or more spans, greater than or equal to 1,800mm who prime purpose is to carry Railway or Road traffic or services over an obstruction or gap, but...

        Safety on the railways

        A summary of safety on the rail network Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Safety on the railways

        Noise Mapping Scotland - Round 4 - Railway (major railway sources) - LNIGHT

        Noise maps showing areas that are relatively louder or quieter, measured in decibels (dB), for major railway traffic noise in Scotland in 2021. Major railways are defined as those with more than...