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        1,618 results found

        Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

        Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

        Scottish Adjacent Waters Limit

        The Scottish Adjacent Waters limit

        Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

        The Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

        Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W

        The Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W limit

        GOV.UK structural network adjacency list

        GOV.UK is a group of pages that comprises the best place to find government services and information. It can be represented as a network made of pages, represented as nodes, that are connected to...

        Historic Seascape Characterisation: Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters

        The Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters Project is one of the four projects commissioned to implement the HSC National Method across a range of areas in English waters. The project successfully...

        Historic Seascape Characterisation: Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters

        The Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters Project is one of the four projects commissioned to implement the HSC National Method across a range of areas in English waters. The project successfully...

        Granite lineament data, Land's End and immediate adjacent offshore area

        Lineaments from the Land's End Granite, and immediately adjacent offshore areas, derived from the analysis of LiDAR, bathymetry and aerial photography as detailed in the publication: Yeomans, C.M.,...

        City Walkway

        City Walkway forms part of the Public Access Map. This includes: • City Walkways and Proposed City Walkways • Permissive Paths • Highway Maintainable at Public Expense • Privately Maintainable...

        Soil respiration under Miscanthus x giganteus and an adjacent barley crop

        Data collected during a field experiment investigating the differences between greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes under a bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus and a conventional arable crop, barley...

        City Evacuation Zones

        Map showing Bristol City Centre Evacuation Zones.Local Authorities have been asked to prepare evacuation plans for city centres following the 9//11 bombing. The evacuation of the whole city...

        Global City Data

        A range of indicators for a selection of cities from the [New York City Global City database]( Dataset includes the...

        City plaques

        Dataset showing details of historic plaques in the city including the location, names and links to interesting and historic information.

        City Walls Gateways

        York City Walls' Bars. For further information please visit [City of York Council's website]( *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live...

        Congestionreport Ox City

        Congestion - Oxford City Centre

        City of London Trees

        Locations of all trees managed by City Gardens, Open Spaces Department and all known locations of privately managed trees in the City of London. Only trees managed City Gardens, Open Spaces...

        City Centre Boundary

        Boundary of City Centre for planning policy purposes.

        City Centre Quarters

        Areas identified for regeneration focus. The City Centre has areas where specific uses cluster together or which have a particular character or identity. The Nottingham-Beeston canal is at the...

        Bristol City Council Recruitment

        Bristol City Council is one of the largest employers in the West Country. We are committed to achieving equal opportunities and we are seeking to attract a workforce that reflects the diverse...

        Superconnected cities broadband

        Leeds City Council and City of Bradford MDC are working together on a variety of digital projects under the ‘Superconnected Cities’ banner. One such project is to work with Small and Medium-sized...