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228 results found

Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

Wales Adjacent Waters Limit

Scottish Adjacent Waters Limit

The Scottish Adjacent Waters limit

Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

The Northern Ireland Adjacent Waters Limit

Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W

The Scottish Adjacent Waters E and W limit

GOV.UK structural network adjacency list

GOV.UK is a group of pages that comprises the best place to find government services and information. It can be represented as a network made of pages, represented as nodes, that are connected to...

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters

The Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters Project is one of the four projects commissioned to implement the HSC National Method across a range of areas in English waters. The project successfully...

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters

The Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters Project is one of the four projects commissioned to implement the HSC National Method across a range of areas in English waters. The project successfully...

Granite lineament data, Land's End and immediate adjacent offshore area

Lineaments from the Land's End Granite, and immediately adjacent offshore areas, derived from the analysis of LiDAR, bathymetry and aerial photography as detailed in the publication: Yeomans, C.M.,...

Soil respiration under Miscanthus x giganteus and an adjacent barley crop

Data collected during a field experiment investigating the differences between greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes under a bioenergy crop Miscanthus x giganteus and a conventional arable crop, barley...

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Newport to Clacton and Adjacent Waters

The Newport-Clacton Historic Seascape Characterisation (HSC) Project forms part of the second round of implementation of a national HSC methodology to the England's coastal and marine zones. The...

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Newport to Clacton and Adjacent Waters

The Newport-Clacton Historic Seascape Characterisation (HSC) Project forms part of the second round of implementation of a national HSC methodology to the England's coastal and marine zones. The...

Airborne Magnetic Survey Records For United Kingdom And Adjacent Areas.

Analogue aeromagnetic surveys of Great Britain for the Geological Survey (GSGB), subsequently digitised. Commercial Analogue survey of North Sea by Aerosurveys Inc, subsequently digitised by BGS....

1995 - 2002 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) 1995-2002 Wash and Adjacent Areas Shrimp Monitoring Programme

Brown shrimp (C *rangon crangon* ) catch and bycatch data, brown shrimp and pink shrimp ( *Pandalus montagui* ) length distributions and environmental data collected as part of a shrimp...

Rockall Consortium (RCK) Geophysical Survey 1993/2_RCK: Northern Rockall Trough and adjacent areas (04/07/1993 to 14/08/1993)

This geophysical survey has been carried out by Digicon Geophysical, for British Geological Survey (BGS), the Multichannel Deep Seismic survey took place from July to August 1993 in the Rockall...

Field Boundary

A Field Boundary is a line feature representing the field boundary features adjacent to, or contained within, areas of agricultural land, trees, rough grassland or heath. It also includes features...

Bystander and Resident Exposure to Pesticides

Sampling during peak periods of pesticide use in locations adjacent to arable fields in support of determining risk of bystander and resident exposure to pesticides

Saturated hydraulic conductivity in peat near open and blocked gullies in the Peak District, December 2021 and January 2022

This dataset provides saturated hydraulic conductivity values which were obtained from samples of peat. The peat was collected adjacent to erosion gullies that were either open, or adjacent to dams...

Habitat point records from 1978 UCNW Glaslyn/Dwyryd estuary littoral sediment survey

Benthic survey of Glaswyn/Dwyryd Estuary sandflats, adjacent to Morfa Harlech NNR. The estuary is extensive at 8.2 km. Sediments are of marine sand collected by Langshore drift in Coreligan Bay,...

Species point records from 1978 UCNW Glaslyn/Dwyryd estuary littoral sediment survey

Benthic survey of Glaswyn/Dwyryd Estuary sandflats, adjacent to Morfa Harlech NNR. The estuary is extensive at 8.2 km. Sediments are of marine sand collected by Langshore drift in Coreligan Bay,...

2023 Bangor University North Llyn Dive Survey

Dive survey of experimental pot fishing on Modiolus modiolus reef in Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau SAC. Divers recorded quadrats in a control-impact design in the footprint of fishing pots (impact) and in...