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        2,454 results found

        Enhanced toxoplasma database

        Enhanced toxoplasma database

        Enhanced Q fever database

        Enhanced Q fever database

        Enhanced Hepatitis E database

        Collation of enhanced surveillance data on Hepatitis E

        TB-ETS (Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance)

        Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance

        Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

        Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

        Hackney Enhance corridors

        Enhance corridors are basically identified growth areas for new development in the Borough and tend to follow key transport routes in the Borough. It is where new development for residential,...

        Enhanced surveillance of vaccine preventable disease

        Enhanced surveillance of vaccine preventable disease

        Additional Homes Provided

        This shows the number of additional homes (net) provided in Colchester borough These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end

        Additional Homes Provided

        This shows the number of additional homes (net) provided in Colchester borough These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end

        UK Overseas Territories Bio-security enhancement

        UK Overseas Territories Bio-security enhancement. Identification of invasive invertebrate plant pests.

        Enhanced Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) Surveillance

        Data flows in and out of the PHE Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) unit for the enhanced surveillance of people at risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)

        NYMNPA Environmental Enhancement Sites - Policy ENV13

        Sites designated as ‘Environmental Enhancement Sites’ in the North York Moors Local Plan. Sites are designated as they have been been unsightly in the local area for many years and it is considered...

        Net Additional Homes Provided

        Net Additional Homes Provided The net additional dwellings figure, or net supply of housing, is the absolute change in dwelling stock. It is derived from the number of new build completions; plus...

        Gross Additional Homes Provided

        Gross Additional Homes Provided *These figures are only verified through the housing monitoring site visits undertaken bi-annually. Full breakdowns of net housing completions and consents are...

        Wildlife Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

        Management Agreements were entered into by English Nature, and are now entered into by Natural England, with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on...

        Net additional dwellings

        Net additional dwellings by local authority district, England 2004-05 to 2010-11 All figures have been rounded to the nearest 10. If the submitted figure was less than 5, it has been recorded in...

        Total stock (Net Additions Methodology)

        Housing numbers, by tenure, year built, type of accommodation etc, vacant dwellings. Net addition flows.

        Wildlife Enhancement Scheme Agreements (England)

        Management Agreements were entered into by English Nature, and are now entered into by Natural England, with owners and occupiers of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), and occasionally on...

        National Enhanced Surveillance System for Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC)

        National Enhanced Surveillance System for Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC)

        Additional Affordable Dwellings

        Additional affordable dwellings by local authority district, England 1991-92 to 2016-17 This dataset describes the additions to the stock of affordable housing from the period 1991-92 to 2016-17,...