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        Home adaptations

        A dataset providing information on assisted living adaptations by ward area.  Please note ----------- * For further information on adaptations please...

        Accommodation Adaptions

        RN Air Station Culdrose. A register of medical mandated accommodation adaption requirements used by RN Iinfrastructure Organisation

        DWP Climate Change Adaptation Plan

        This report contains information about how DWP is promoting sustainable development and adapting to climate change.

        NI 188 - Planning to adapt to climate change

        Self reported measure of action against climate change. Authorities should report the level they have reached as follows: Level 0: LA has not assessed and managed climate risks and opportunities,...

        NI 188 Planning to adapt to climate change

        Self reported measure of action against climate change. Authorities should report the level they have reached as follows: Level 0: LA has not assessed and managed climate risks and opportunities,...

        Personal Social Services: Adults Receiving Community Equipment and Minor Adaptations

        The User Experience Survey Programme operates on an annual basis and is used to target areas of particular interest within Adult Social Services. Opinions are sought over a range of service areas...

        Assessment of how the council is adapting to climate change (Level Number)

        Assessment of how the council is adapting to climate change (Level Number) *This indicator has been discontinued

        Personal Social Services Survey of Adults Receiving Community Equipment and/or Minor Adaptations, England, 2009-10

        The User Experience Survey Programme operates on an annual basis and is used to target areas of particular interest within Adult Social Services. Opinions are sought over a range of service areas...

        Monthly field and dark adapted pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorescence measurements of East Anglian mosses, April 2017 to October 2018

        The dataset contains monthly measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence measured using a Walz MINI-PAM II. The chlorophyll flouresence of growing tips of moss samples were measured following...

        Residential approvals of M4(2) Accessible and adaptable and M4(3) Wheelchair user dwellings

        This report uses data from the Planning London Datahub (PLD) to show the proportion of new-build residential dwellings that meet the access standards M4(2) Accessible and adaptable dwellings and...

        Digitised fish spawning distribution adapted from the Olsen 1883 Piscatorial Atlas

        The dataset is a collection of Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles showing the general distribution and spawning distribution of 14 fish species selected from the 46 maps in O.T....

        Digitised fish spawning distribution adapted from the Olsen 1883 Piscatorial Atlas

        The dataset is a collection of Geographic Information System (GIS) shapefiles showing the general distribution and spawning distribution of 14 fish species selected from the 46 maps in O.T....

        Adapting to austerity: a review of police force and authority preparedness for the 2011/12–14/15 CSR period

        In Spring 2011, HMIC carried out an inspection into the preparedness of forces and authorities across England and Wales to make savings over the four years of the comprehensive spending review...

        National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (England)

        Natural England has developed a GIS model that provides an assessment of the vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change based on principles of adaptation for biodiversity. It identifies...

        Locard - Evidence

        Locard - adapted from police evidence capture system. Plans to use in house Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) system in preparation.

        Disabled Facilities Grants

        Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) include data related to the number of grants issued and the breakdown of monies issued year on year by Calderdale Council. There are some empty periods within the...

        Disabled Persons Allowance Statistics

        Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA). DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25% reduction in rates...

        National Biodiversity Climate Change Vulnerability Data

        Natural England has developed a national scale model that undertakes an analysis of current datasets to provide an assessment of the relative vulnerability of priority habitats to climate change...

        Resettlement Standalone

        (1) To access BondAdapt (a Career Transition Partnership information management database listing all details of Service leavers registered to access CTP resettlement services) via a Virtual Private...

        Species point records from 1954 McIntyre Scottish inshore fishing grounds survey

        A survey of three Scottish Inshore fishing grounds, giving quantitative, unbiased results of the standing crop of the Benthos. The granulometry scale used was not the Wentworth Scale, so the scale...