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Widening Higher Education Participation Measures

This covers measures of widening participation in Higher Education including progression rates for young people in England by free school meal status and school type. Source agency: Business,...

Saved Local Plan Policy E1 - Lots Road Widening

Dataset showing Lots Road Widening under Policy E1 of the Saved Local Plan 2006. Areas recorded as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

Widening participation in higher education: analysis of progression rates for young people in England by free school meal receipt and school type

Data from the publication Widening Participation in Higher Education [URN 11/1082]

Coastal Physiographic Features - Estuaries

This is a shapefile of the coastal physiographic feature type 'estuaries'. The polygons in this shapefile represent the estuaries found within the UK. Where, estuary is defined as part of Annex I...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL00191

Survey name: York To Malton, A64 widening Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Forest condition survey (1987-2006)

The Forest Condition Survey has been carried out since 1984 and, in addition to providing comprehensive information on tree health in Britain, it contributes to an EU programme monitoring the...

Species point records from 1982 Lumb Menai Strait sublittoral survey

This broad-scale survey was commissioned by the NCC to determine the range and distribution of sublittoral habitats and communities within the Menai Strait and adjacent areas. The survey...

Habitat point records from 1982 Lumb Menai Strait sublittoral survey

This broad-scale survey was commissioned by the NCC to determine the range and distribution of sublittoral habitats and communities within the Menai Strait and adjacent areas. The survey...

UK Performance Indicators, 2002/03 to 2020/21

The UK Performance Indicators provide comparative data on the performance of higher education (HE) providers across several areas. The areas that the Performance Indicators cover are: -...

The cost of poor housing to the NHS

In 2010 the Building Research Establishment (BRE) Trust published the results of a research project which sought to quantify the cost of people living in poor housing in England to the National...