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Column ozone levels in the UK

Column ozone levels at Lerwick, Camborne, Reading and Manchester Note: Camborne closed in December 2003. For the Baseline measurement and analysis of UK ozone and UV - 2012 click on web...

Data selector for Air Quality statistics

Air quality Data selector for following pollutants: Ozone, Nitric oxides, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, PM10 components , PM2.5 components, ethane, ethane, ethyne, propane,...

Sensitive areas currently identified in the UK under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive since 1994

This lists current designations of sensitive areas identified under the urban waste water treatment directive across the UK. Environmental waters are designated as sensitive areas where they are...

AWS (Automatic Weather Station) Climate Data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

The dataset contains climate data (Humidity, Rainfall, Rainfall Rate, Dewpoint, Atmospheric Pressure, Temperature, Wind Direction, Wind Gust, Wind Chill, Solar Radiation, Windspeed, Heat Index, UV...

High resolution water quality and flow monitoring data coupled with daily and storm samples from the Loddon catchment (Sept 2017-Sept 2018)

This data set comprises of hourly water quality monitoring and flow data of a site within the River Loddon catchment, UK, from September 2017 to September 2018. Parameters measured were...

Insect population dynamics, parasitism and behaviour in response to different spectra of artificial light at night

The datasets contain insect numbers, plant biomass, successful attacks of parasitoids, and behavioural response of parasitoids. The data are based on direct observations of insects and plants in...

UK 3-hourly Site-Specific Forecast

Site specific forecasts for over 5,000 sites in the UK, including airports, major landmarks and beaches. Forecast weather data Each site has the following weather forecast...

Real-time bioaerosol emission data from a range of environmental sources, UK, 2016-2018

The data offers insights to utility of single particle ultraviolet light- induced fluorescence (UV-LIF) measurements in providing quantification and spatio-temporal characterisation of bioaerosols...

Physico-chemical properties and discharge of a peatland river, Drumtree, Scotland, May 2012 to December 2014

This data set covers high resolution (30-min frequency) water quality and dissolved carbon data from a peatland river in Southwest Scotland (5.8 km2), part of the Whitelee Wind Farm complex. The...

Measured and modelled dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, and measured chlorophyll concentration, for UK freshwaters and freshwater mesocosms, 2014-2015

This dataset includes measured DOC concentration, and modelled DOC concentration derived from UV-visible absorbance spectra. We also include measured chlorophyll concentration, pH and conductivity....

Pollinator data from pan traps located in habitats comprising different floral cover in Buckinghamshire, UK

This dataset contains a list of pollinator species caught within pan traps from habitats comprising different floral cover. Data were collected from the Hillesden estate, Buckinghamshire in June...

Datasets produced by Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape Stability (2/6) (NERC grant NE/K011464/1)

Data from laboratory experiments conducted as part of project NE/K011464/1 (associated with NE/K011626/1) Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape stability. Soils were collected...

Datasets produced by Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape Stability (1/6) (NERC grant NE/K011464/1)

Data from laboratory experiments conducted as part of project NE/K011464/1 (associated with NE/K011626/1) Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape stability. Soils were collected...

Datasets produced by Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape Stability (3/6) (NERC grant NE/K011464/1, NE/K011626/1)

Data from laboratory experiments conducted as part of project NE/K011464/1 (associated with NE/K011626/1) Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape stability. Soils were collected...

Datasets produced by Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape Stability (5/6) (NERC Grant NE/K011464/1)

Data from laboratory experiments conducted as part of project NE/K011464/1 (associated with NE/K011626/1) Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape stability. Soils were collected...

Datasets produced by Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape Stability (4/6) (NERC Grant NE/K011464/1)

Data from laboratory experiments conducted as part of project NE/K011464/1 (associated with NE/K011626/1) Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape stability. Soils were collected...

Datasets produced by Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape Stability (6/6) (NERC Grant NE/K011464/1)

Data from laboratory experiments conducted as part of project NE/K011464/1 (associated with NE/K011626/1) Multiscale Impacts of Cyanobacterial Crusts on Landscape stability. Soils were collected...