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        60 results found

        Digital images of petrology rock thin sections

        Digital images of petrology rock thin sections from samples that are referenced in the BGS Petrological Collection Database (Britrocks). Two reference images are being captured for each thin...

        Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration (Wykeham 2007)

        Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

        Ocean Island Basalt olivine compositions and thin section maps (NERC grant NE/J021539/1)

        High precision electron-probe analysis of olivine compositions from a set of ocean island basalts. Accompanied by thin section scans and QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANning)...

        Spatial and temporal datasets for shear-thinning and Newtonian small-scale analogue dyke experiments

        These data consist of spatial and temporal datasets for 7 different small-scale laboratory experiments of fluid-driven fractures, described in the paper The hidden internal flow dynamics of...

        Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration of Sitka spruce (Dartmoor 2005)

        Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

        Geoelectric field maps of the UK from four large geomagnetic storms derived from thin-sheet model (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

        This is a thin-sheet model of the regional geoelectric field covering the UK and Ireland, which is a combination of the response of the ground conductivity in a region with the spatial and temporal...

        Optical microscopy photomicrographs taken of thin sections of samples from the Warton slag bank in northwest England (2022-2023) (NERC Grant NE/X009718/1)

        This dataset contains photographs from an optical microscope by transmitted light and reflected light. The data was collected in 2022-2023. The data was collected for the purpose of visualising...

        Micro-structural images and analysis of Chicxulub Peak Ring material and Numerical Simulation Data of the Chicxulub Impact (NERC grant NE/P011195/1)

        The data within this repository contains results from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 which drilled the Peak Ring of the Chicxulub Crater, offshore Mexico. The offshore phase of this expedition occurred...

        Makaopuhi statistics (NERC grant NERC Grant NE/J020877/2)

        Scanned and annotated thin sections, in plane-polarised and cross-polarised light. Derivative statistical data for mineral grainsize and spatial distribution.

        The BGS Edinburgh Palaeontological Slides Collection.

        PALSLIDES_ED is the BGS Edinburgh Palaeontological Slides Collection. It comprises two registration series. The MIC (microfossils) series, which is added to sporadically, includes c.950...

        Tugtutoq statistics (NERC Grant NE/J020877/2)

        Scanned and annotated thin sections, in plane-polarised and cross-polarised light. Derivative statistical data for mineral grainsize and spatial distribution. Younger Giant Dyke, Tugtutoq, South...

        Norham Westmains Farm borehole samples (NERC grant NE/J021091/1)

        Database of samples taken from the Norham Westmains Farm borehole for isotope, thin section, palynology and fossil analysis. Westmains Farm, Norham, Berwick-upon-Tweed NT 91589 48135. BGS borehole...

        Images for plagioclase grain shape and size (NERC grant NE/N009894/1)

        Measurements of the aspect ratio of plagioclase grains in dolerites from sills. Photomicrographs (several per sample across each of the sills, at a magnification such that the long side of the...

        IODP Expedition 375 Site U1520 Unit IV fault and stylolite frequency and texture observations (NERC grant NE/S002731/1)

        Data are either (1) depths and spacings between stylolites and faults within Unit IV, (2) images from IODP drill core image logs of the locations of samples observed, (3) photomicrographs and...

        Lower Carboniferous dolomite samples (NERC grant NE/I528142/1)

        Core description, core samples and thin sections of Lower Carboniferous dolomite. Thesis : Reservoir Properties of Lower Carboniferous Limestone of the Derbyshire East Midlands Platform by Jack...

        Geochemical analysis of selenium in basalts from La Palma volcanic systems

        Data consist of electron microprobe, SEM, ICP-MS in laser and solution mode, and images of crystal mounts and thin sections, La Palma 2021. 35 samples of basalt, erupted during the 2021 Cumbre...

        BGS Petrological Rock Samples From Overseas Surveys And Projects.

        Rocks, thin sections and paper registers: samples from past BGS surveys and projects overseas. Though neglected for several years, the collection has been re-opened for addition of new material...

        Images and laser ablation ICPMS data for Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides from the Kohistan Arc, northern Pakistan (NERC Grant NE/P017312/1)

        These files contain data for microscopy and mineral analyses on Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide minerals in the upper mantle and lower crust of the Kohistan arc system. Samples are dunites, harzburgites and...

        The mid-Palaeozoic biotic crisis: setting the trajectory of tetrapod evolution. Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn, Northern England and the Scottish Borders. (NERC grant NE/J020729/1)

        The data set consists of rock samples collected from Coquetdale, Coldstream and Whitrope Burn from 2013-2014; milled material is included. There is an Excel spreadsheet of sample numbers with...

        Nirex Petrological Samples And Records.

        As an integral part of the investigations carried out at Sellafield, and to a lesser extent for the Dounreay boreholes, the cores from the boreholes were systematically examined by geologists and...