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17 results found

Dark Skies Park Core Area

The central core area (darkest sky) of the Galloway Dark Sky Park. The Galloway Forest Park received Gold Tier Dark Sky Park Status from the International Dark Sky Association in 2009 due to the...

Davagh Dark Skies Boundary

Extent of Mid Ulster Council Dark Sky Park in Davagh. This area has been certified by the International Dark-Sky Association. This is the first certified dark sky place in Northern Ireland and only...

Davagh Dark Skies Boundary

Extent of Mid Ulster Council Dark Sky Park in Davagh. This area has been certified by the International Dark-Sky Association. This is the first certified dark sky place in Northern Ireland and only...

RV DAWN SKY 01/1987 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive was collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research surveys. It broadly covers the European Shelf with some data from the Iberian Abyssal Plain. Data was collected using the...

Galloway Dark Skies Park

A Dark Sky Park is a place with exceptionally dark night skies, a place where people have committed to keeping those skies dark, by controlling light pollution. In November 2009, the International...

OFCOM Fixed Broadband Speeds

Ofcom annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband, mobile and WiFi networks, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. Ofcom gathers [data from the main fixed broadband...

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir in the Southern North Sea - Poster presented at the twelfth 'Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies' conference.

The data consists of a poster presented at the twelfth 'Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies' conference (GHGT-12), held in Austin, Texas, on the 6-9th October 2014. The psoter describes work...

Availability of Ultrafast Broadband in PKC

Availability of Superfast (% of Premises) – Percentage of premises that have at least Superfast Broadband coverage (30Mbit/s or greater, includes premises with access to Ultrafast speeds)...

Availability of Superfast Broadband in PKC

Availability of Superfast (% of Premises) – Percentage of premises that have at least Superfast Broadband coverage (30Mbit/s or greater, includes premises with access to Ultrafast speeds)...

Core Flood Experiments on carbonate rocks

Grant: ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498. Medical CT scans for drainage multiphase flow through carbonate rock cores. The steady state drainage multiphase flow at elevated pressure using nitrogen and...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) meteorology data: 1991-2015

Meteorology data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. Variables measured include albedo (ground and sky), temperature (dry bulb, wet bulb and soil (at 10cm and 30cm)),...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) meteorology data: 1992-2012

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Meteorology data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. Variables measured include albedo (ground and sky), temperature (dry bulb, wet...

Multispectral airborne imagery and associated classifications, training data and validation data, for mapping nectar-rich floral resources for pollinators, Northamptonshire, UK 2020

Data presented here include imagery with ground-sampling distances of 3 cm and 7 cm for March 2019, May 2019 and July 2019. Also included are the corresponding ground-truth training and...

Joule II Project Paper: Natural occurrences as analogues for the geological disposal of carbon dioxide

It is now generally accepted that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are contributing to the global rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. One possibility for reducing carbon dioxide emissions is to...

GlaciStore: cover sheet to full proposal to IODP, UK CCS RC, Call 1 (1 April 2015)

Full proposal cover sheet for scientific drilling (852-CPP) 'GlaciStore: Understanding Late Cenozoic glaciation and basin processes for the development of secure large-scale offshore CO2 storage...

GlaciStore: Cover sheet to revised full proposal to IODP, UK CCS RC Call 1 (1 April 2016)

Revised full proposal cover sheet for scientific drilling (852-CPP2) 'GlaciStore: Understanding Pleistocene glaciation and basin processes and their impact on fluid migration pathways (North Sea)',...

GlaciStore: revised full proposal to IODP, UK CCS RC, Call 1 (1 April 2016)

Revised full proposal for scientific drilling (852-CPP2) 'GlaciStore: Understanding Pleistocene glaciation and basin processes and their impact on fluid migration pathways (North Sea)', submitted...