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ONS Mid-year Estimates Technical Note LATEST

Technical Analysis Paper which covers the latest ONS mid-year estimates in detail for Camden

ONS MYE Technical Note Rev Mid-2021

Technical note with information about the revised mid-2021 population estimates published 23 November 2023: analysis and links to data for Camden.

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) technical briefings, technical letters and technical journal responses (2010 - 2015)

Contains 6 SCCS technical briefings, technical letters and technical journal responses - Working Paper 2010-04: Popular response to Economides, CO2 storage is feasible; Working Paper 2010-05:...

Shared Services Technical Configuration

Shared Services Technical Configuration - SSCT. Documentation held on the technical configuration of the SSC network.

Technical Services Laboratories

Agencies database. Records of laboratories appointed as Technical Services by Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA). Includes contact details for relevant laboratory staff.


safeguarding_civil_technical_sites Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of Safeguarding boundaries for Civil Technical Sites in the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data...

GLA Projections Technical Note LATEST

Description and analysis of GLAs latest set of demographic projections for Camden.

Index to the BGS technical reports collection

Index to the reports of work carried out by the BGS and its precursors. The index was set up in 1988 and has worldwide coverage. These reports cover a wide range of scientific and technical...

London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report

This comprehensive database for town centres is the Technical Annex associated with the GLA publication: “2017 London Town Centre Health Check Analysis Report’. The data is provided for 221 town...

Iodine analysis

Iodine analysis

Hemp Analysis

Annual hemp sampling and analysis

Broadcast radio transmitters: technical parameters

The following information comprises details of the technical parameters of all analogue VHF, MF, and DAB transmitters (including services on multiplexes) currently on-air. In-use parameters are...

London Analysis

Presents analysis of nearly one thousand small areas within London showing the number of employees working for businesses with fewer than 250 employees in the UK (small- and medium-sized...

Technical assessment boundaries behind the abstraction licensing strategies Cycle 2

The technical assessment boundaries are used to define which water resource demands fall into each technical assessment. They are used to look at the balance between society, the economy and the...

2011 Census Analysis

This analysis looks at older people (aged 65 and over) who were usually resident in England and Wales and who were living at a different address one year prior to the 2011 Census. This was based on...

CGG Core Analysis Database

The CGG Core Analysis Database provides core analysis data (e.g. porosity, permeability, lithology) for cores from over 2000 wells in the UKCS. (Download size, 43GB).

Allied Health Professionals and Other Technical Departments

Summary of AHP clinic data in the acute hospital sector of NHSScotland. Contains information on total attendances by service and new attendances by service and NHS Board. From September 2011 this...

Country and Regional Analysis

The Country and Regional Analysis presents analysis of public spending by country, region, and function and is consistent with departmental outturns published in July. Source agency: HM...

Risk Management Approved Document Sets (RMADS) and associated technical documents

Technical system Information and diagrams, RMADS , IT Health Check Test Results.

Efficiency in the higher education sector: technical exploration

The efficiency scores, as shown in the historgrams, that are derived from the econometric analysis.