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348 results found

Numbers of Taxpayers and Registered Traders

Provides historical annual information on the number of taxpayers and registered traders. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax receipts and taxpayers'. Source agency: HM...

FSA Successful Prosecutions

Details of successful food hygiene/food safety and animal welfare/cattle identification/animal by products prosecutions, including fine amounts awarded, undertaken by Food Standards Agency.

Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) data

Historical amounts of VAT repayments and traders with an MTIC interest set on HMRC systems. Updated: monthly. Data coverage: 2002/03

Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) data

Historical amounts of VAT repayments and traders with an MTIC interest set on HMRC systems. Updated: monthly. Data coverage: 2002/03

Senior Civil Service Succession Management

Recruitment tool for matching candidates to upcoming Senior Civil Service (SCS) positions. Senior level data and salaries.

Qualification Success Rates for School Sixth Forms

QSRs measure the proportion of academic and vocational learning aims that are started, finished and completed successfully at school and academy sixth forms by 16 to 19 year olds. Source...

List of Successful 2013 Marshall Scholars

MACC - Winners of 2013 Marshall Scholars

Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Peterborough Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Dataset detailing Mobile food vendor / street trader licencees. Data includes name, trading location and type of licence

Peterborough Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Dataset detailing Mobile food vendor / street trader licencees. Data includes name, trading location and type of licence

Community action against crime: innovation fund successful applicants

The list of projects that successfully applied for a grant from the community action against crime innovation fund.

Steps 2 Success


Steps 2 Success


Steps 2 Success


Ancillary Costs Survey (ACS)

Stratified sample survey of Intrastat Traders. Updated: monthly.

% successful completions from alcohol treatment

% successful completions from alcohol treatment. *This indicator has been discontinued.

VAT Factsheet

The VAT factsheet provides information on VAT receipts, Home VAT and Import VAT. Home VAT declared on traders returns classified by sector and trade group. VAT registrations, deregistrations and...

Ipswich Borough Council/Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Mobile food vendors and street traders

Waveney District Council/Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Babergh District Council/Mobile food vendors/Street traders

Mobile food vendors/Street traders