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12 results found

Major Sanctions Database

Record Major Sanction AGAI 67 actions for purposes of reporting data to AG, CoC and responding to Parliamentary questions and FOI requests.

Percentage of Detected and Sanctioned Offences, Borough

Percentage of recorded offences, that result in a sanction against the suspect by broad crime groups. The Met Police began presenting detection figures differently in 2005/06. Previous to this, the...

Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets

These are a consolidated list of asset freeze targets (both individuals and companies) designated by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom under legislation relating to current...

Benefit sanction regime data for Jobseekers Allowance and Employment Support Allowance

The data set consists of number of sanction decisions made for Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) and Employment Support Allowance(ESA) sanctions, including whether the decision was adverse or not. The...

Income Support Lone Parent Regime

Quarterly statistics on the number of Work Focused Interviews attended by, and number of sanctions applied to, Income Support Lone Parent...

Archiving Spreadsheets CM, SD/SH, WS

Excel spreadsheets used for the purpose of archiving and retrieving Court Martial, Summary Dealings/Hearing and Warnings/Sanctions case files.

Environment Agency Enforcement Undertakings

This is a list of cases in which the Environment Agency has accepted a civil sanctions enforcement undertaking (EU) for environmental offences. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright...

Skills Conditionality Pilot

Skills conditionality involved Jobcentre Plus referring claimants to a skills training provider, Further Education College or Next Step adviser with potential benefit sanctions for...


Supporting Notes 1. The Council has not used powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) regulations 2014 or similar powers as the Council does not...

Clients referred to Cambridge City Foodbank by Cambridge & District CAB 2014/15

This data provides information on the profile of clients that Cambridge & District CAB referred to Cambridge City Foodbank from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015 for food and/or fuel vouchers....

Metropolitan Police Service - Recorded Crime: Force-Level Summaries & Associated Data

Raw data on crime supplied by the Metropolitan Police Service and the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). Pan-London data includes: - Total Notifiable Offences - Total Victim-based crime...

Metropolitan Police Service Recorded Crime Figures and Associated Data

Raw data on crime supplied by the Metropolitan Police Service and the Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). Pan-London data includes: - Total Notifiable Offences - Total Victim-based crime...