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SMarT Training Provider Database

Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology Training Provider Database. Records the training details given to Seafarers

SFA funding allocations to training providers: 2013 to 2014

Funding values for colleges, training organisations, local authorities and employers with a contract for 2013 to 2014, updated quarterly.Allocation/maximum contract values data: 2013 to 2014 (June...

Mandatory Training

Number of staff taking up mandatory training. Updated: monthly.

Training records

Records of employee training carried out internally and by external training providers

Mandatory Training

Number of staff taking up mandatory training. Updated: monthly.

Training Needs Analysis

Biannual request for training captured in a spreadsheet

Timetabled Train Kilometres

Timetabled train kilometres (TTKM) show the number of kilometres each train operating company will achieve according to the winter and summer train timetable if they are operating at full...

Train to Gain

Further Education success rate on the Train to Gain programme Source: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Publisher: The Data Service Geographies: County/Unitary Authority,...

Outstanding providers list

The outstanding providers list includes early years registered providers, maintained schools, independent schools, colleges and providers of work-based learning, adult education and children’s...

Childcare providers and places

A publication detailing childcare providers and places. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Better Training for Safer Food

Total amount of Enforcement Officials that attended training courses.

Social care providers and places

This is a publication detailing the current social care providers and places. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not...

Master Training Database

Training Record - HMS VANGUARD(P) Training and Electronic Recall

Master Training Log

HMS TURBULENT. Ship's Company Training record for Phase 1, 2, and 3 Officer and Rating trainees.

Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings...

Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings...

Additional affordable dwellings provided (by LA providing funding) (annual)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings...

Provider Referrals and Payments

The Provider Referrals and Payments system provides a single repository of Contracted Employment Programmes data including Providers, contracts, services and charges. Information on Provider...

Spend over £25,000 by Training and Development Agency for Schools

As part of the transparency agenda commitment relating to public expenditure, intended to help achieve better value for money, the Department for Education (DfE) and our Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)...

Initial teacher training allocations

This release lists training places for academic year 2013 to 2014 allocated to schools and training providers at 1 August 2013. Source agency: Education Designation: Official Statistics not...