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Unauthorised School Absence Fines

This dataset shows the numbers and total values of term time fines issued to parents for unauthorised absences. The value of the fines issued are based on the amount the fines were originally...

1962 - 2001 John Hawthorne, Weymouth Beach records, littoral survey

The simplest method of evaluating beach fauna is to visit after a period of strong easterly or south easterly winds at spring tides. John Hawthorne regularly wrote an update on the marine...

1962 - 2001 John Hawthorne, Weymouth Beach records, littoral survey

The simplest method of evaluating beach fauna is to visit after a period of strong easterly or south easterly winds at spring tides. John Hawthorne regularly wrote an update on the marine...

CCTV camera locations

This dataset incorporates CCTV cameras installed by London Borough of Barnet in conjunction with the DSSL Group for the purposes of Community Safety.   PLEASE NOTE: A dataset of the locations of...

QICS Paper: The use of scientific diving in support of a novel carbon dioxide release experiment

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a way of possibly reducing impacts from fossil fuel emissions by injecting large volumes of carbon dioxide into appropriate geological formations. Some of the...

Housing design quality of proposed Homes and Communities Agency funded schemes Kickstart Round 1 (2009) and Round 2 (2010)

An assessment of the design quality of housing schemes funded under the Homes and Communities Agency’s Kickstart funding scheme. Housing schemes proceeding to due diligence have been assessed, in...

Petrology of Gravel Size Clasts from Miocene sediments collected at Site U1521 during International Ocean Discovery Programme (IODP) Expedition 374 to the Ross Sea, Antarctica

This dataset comprises continuous logging of clasts >2 mm from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 374 Site U1521 to the Ross Sea, collected on the RV JOIDES Resolution. Shipboard...

EU Project: Publications: CO2QUEST – Impact of the Quality of CO2 on Storage and Transport

Coordinated by Haroun Mahgerefteh at UCL, the EC funded FP7 CO2QUEST project addressed the main challenges associated with determining the optimal composition and purity of CO2 product streams...

Building Preservation Notices GIS Data

GIS spatial data for Building Preservation Notices. Building Preservation Notices are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the temporary protection. Local planning authorities may serve...

Restoring marine and coastal habitats in Wales: identifying spatial opportunities and benefits

In order to better understand opportunities to build resilience in the Welsh marine environment, a report was commissioned by Natural Resources Wales to identify potential spatial opportunities to...

Tomographic data of tubular fossils from the Ediacaran Weng'an Doushantuo biota (NERC grant NE/J018325/1)

The data are from X-ray tomographic analyses of tubular fossils. All scans were carried out using Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Tomographic Microscopy (SRXTM) except for specimen SMNH X 5324 which...

IODP Expedition 352 (Bonin Forearc) Pb isotope data (NERC grant NE/M012034/1)

We provide here Pb isotope data for the basement rocks cored during IODP Expedition 352 (Bonin Forearc). The data are reported as 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios together with their...

Weekly volume of water pumped for handpumps monitored with Smart Handpump technology, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grants NE/L001950/1, NE/M008894/1)

This dataset contains a summary of the weekly volumetric output of pumps monitored using Smart Handpump sensors for 2014 and 2015. Grants that permitted the data collection include: Groundwater...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)

This spatial dataset contains the digital boundaries of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in Wales. SSSIs cover a wide range of habitats from small fens, bogs and riverside meadows to...

Daily handpump accelerometer data and borehole water level data, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

(I) Handpump Vibration Data For each handpump, data is organized in one CSV file per day. These files are grouped together over batches, where each batch approximately corresponds to three months....

Fe speciation data (FeHR/FeT, and FePy/FeHR) (NERC grant NE/M001156/1)

Data produced from NERC Grant NE/M001156/1 - Fe speciation data (FeHR/FeT, and FePy/FeHR), collected following methods outlined in Izon et al., 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...

HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...

HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...

Quarterly Data Summary

Under the new QDS framework departments’ spending data is published every quarter; to show the taxpayer how the Government is spending their money. The QDS grew out of commitments made in the 2011...

FCA Defined benefit pension transfers market data October 2018-March 2020

The FCA looked at data collected from firms on the Defined Benefit (DB) pension advice market, between 1 October 2018 and 31 March 2020. * This is the second set of ad hoc data we are publishing...